How To Plant And Care For Canna Lilies
The canna lily plant is a flamboyant summer flowering plant with a bold look. The plant grows from thick, fleshy bulbs. Canna is a…
How To Grow Forget-Me-Not Flower
The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name would not be so sweet to gardeners, nor would the other numerous little blue forget…
Climbing Roses For Shady Areas In Your Garden
Climbing roses come in a variety of colours and can contribute to a stunning appearance. They are popular, and while they are often used…
Gray-black Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens)
During this season, we have a large number of visitors at the Vallarta Botanical Garden from the winter territories of Canada and the United…
On Trees around Eastern Ontario
By Owen Clarkin, Ottawa Field Naturalist Club. All photos courtesy of Owen. One particularly interesting story from this summer is a population of apparently…
Rain Barrel Tips
Location, location, location -place your rain barrel near where the water will be used; whether it’s for washing the car and gardening tools, or…
DIY: How To Make And Use Rain Barrels
The use of the Rain Barrel in the garden continues to grow in popularity. What Is A Rain Barrel? It’s simply a container, often…
White Oak
The White Oak has been an important tree in North American society over the centuries. It can live for several hundred years and starts…
Red Oak is An Important Tree
The northern red oak is one of the most important trees for timber development in North America. Its wood has been used to make…
Bur Oak
The Bur Oak, Quercus macrocarpa, is one of the most massive oaks, with a trunk diameter of up to 10 ft. It commonly grows…
Gerbera Daisies Bring Colour and Cheer
The bright and magnificent Gerbera Daisy brings cheer as both annual and perennial. They are popular plants because they are attractive and come in…
Peace Lily Care – Spathiphyllum Plant
More than 30 different types of plants belong to this group along with dozens of hybrids. They are native to tropical areas of the…
Care For The Salvia Plant: Flower, Medicinal and Culinary
The more than 900 species more commonly known as sages are related to Nepeta (Catmint) and Monarda (Bee Balm). The common sage The common…
How To Grow Lemon Trees From Seed
There is something about the fresh smell of a flowering lemon tree. Lush, dark green, oval leaves shining in the sunlight. Their fragrant, white…
How To Grow And Care For the Popular Jasmine Plant
The Jasmine plant (Jasminum polyanthus) is a beautiful plant that smells great. It grows well in containers, as a hanging plant, or over a…
Top 5 Plant Killing Diseases and Protections
Plant diseases can ruin your day! If you have several ornamental or edible plants in your garden, it’s a good idea to have a…
How To Grow And Care For Calibrachoa – Million Bells
You’ve seen the Calibrachoa, a tender perennial commonly known as “Million Bells.” You’ve enjoyed this plant in the nightshade family filling containers and baskets…
Can Epson Salts Help Minimize Transplant Shock?
Transplant shock is typical when moving plants from a small container to a bigger one, from the greenhouse to the outdoors or transplanting into…
Easy Care Pothos Plant
The Pothos is one of the – “Best indoor plants for clean air.”
Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy Hibiscus
Hibiscus ornamentals include varieties that bloom profusely for months, with eye-catching blooms in a variety of colours up to 30 cm wide. Of the…
How to Deal with Tea Colored or Brown Water
Fixing the tea coloration in your pond’s water requires two basic steps: get rid of the source that’s putting it in the water, and…
Choosing Plants for a Butterfly Garden
Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: the host plant and the food plant. Attracting butterflies to your garden takes more than just…
Wasp Removal: Issues and Natural Methods
The need for wasp removal is directly proportional to how often they bother you. Or a wasp nest in a bad spot is “Wasp…
How To Grow A Coffee Tree Indoors and Out
The Coffee Tree plant – Coffea arabica, produces glossy, dark green, 4-5 inch leaves, dress this upright grower. With good care and a mature plant,…