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Mad-dog Skullcap
Learn all about Mad-dog Skullcap, a member of the mint family with unique serrated leaves and vibrant trumpet-shaped flowers. Read up on the plant's growing conditions, blossoming period, and the curious origin of its name, all in this handy article. Get growing now!
Blue Cohosh
Blue cohosh flowers and roots are used for medicinal benefits. Be careful, it’s not a safe plant. Come learn about Blue Cohosh care.
Fireweed for pollinators: discover the wild magenta willow plant with stunning blooms & its importance for pollinators. Visit North Carolina to witness Fireweed and its unique beauty, or learn more about its edibility, and its potential toxicity to animals.
Grey Headed Coneflower
Grey headed Coneflower has eye-catching yellow flowers that entice birds and pollinators. It is ideal for natural plantings and meadows.
Dutchman’s Breeches is a Spring Nectar Source
Dutchman’s Breeches is a true spring woodland ephemeral species. It provides spring nectar to the first developing bumblebees. Read more.
Downy Serviceberry Quick Growth Guide
Downy Serviceberry provides food for over 40 species of birds. The berries can be used to make jams or pies. Read the Quick Growing Guide.
Grass Leaved Goldenrod Adds Colour
Grass-Leaved Goldenrod is a colourful upright perennial. The bright yellow plants are suitable for cottage gardens, borders, and meadows.
Maiden Grass: How To Care For And Use
Maiden grass is a popular, rich, tall, full-bodied herbaceous perennial and hardy ornamental grass. Learn how to use and care in your home.
Canada Mayflower Growing Guide
Canada Mayflower is a wonderful ground-covering plant for woodland gardens that spreads by underground roots. Read Quick Growing Guide.
Balsam Fir is a Popular Christmas Tree
The Balsam Fir is widely used as a Christmas tree and for wreaths. It’s a good fir as an ornamental yard tree, and it smells great!.
Culver’s Root is a Hardy Perennial
Veronicastrum virginicum, also known as Culver's Root, is a tall and hardy perennial that adds unique vertical accents to any yard for summer to fall. Perfect for prairies, damp meadows, and open forests, its cluster of white florets resemble a beautiful candelabra. An ideal choice for wildflower gardens and layered beds.
Blue Flag Wild Iris, Quebec’s Floral Emblem
Blue Flag Iris flowers symbolize power, with the three petals representing wisdom, faith, and courage. Use petals for perfumes and potpourri.
Marsh Marigold, a Favorite Spring Bloom
Marsh marigolds resemble massive buttercups. It is a popular spring plant because of its vivid yellow blooms that bloom in moist soil.
Sharp-lobed Hepatica is an Early Spring Bloomer
Hepatica flowers are delicately attractive and have a tendency to blow about on their slender stems in the wind.
Discover the White Turtlehead
Discover White Turtlehead, a beautiful & perennially blooming wetland plant. Attractive to hummingbirds & bees, it's used in shade, rain, wildflower, & native plant gardens. Perfect for cutting & its leaves are deer-resistant. Medicinal properties & uses by Native Americans, too!
Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host
Pearly everlasting features yellow flowers enclosed by white papery bracts which grace this beautiful wildflower in summer.