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Select Plants for Your Garden
Selection Criteria
Blooms in
Sun or Shade
Golden Alexander Is an Early Bloomer
Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea)Â is an early spring bloomer and its yellow colours can be stunning in clusters.
Growing the Fuss-Free Snowberry
Snowberry is a fuss-free and trouble-free shrub that is quite simple to grow. Read about how the snowberry can enhance gardens.
Twin Flower is Charming Groundcover
Twin flower is a charming evergreen creeping vine that forms large mats in moist, shady woods. Read our Quick Growth Guide.
Virginia Waterleaf Helps Stop Soil Erosion
Virginia waterleaf is an excellent choice for shady areas and woodland gardens that can spread quickly, cover bare spots and help stop soil erosion. It comes in white and violet colours and has edible leaves that can be used in cooking. Discover more about it and its companion plants. Enhance your woodlands with Virginia Waterleaf. Discover the perfect choice for shady areas and woodland gardens – Virginia Waterleaf! Native to various regions in North America, it blooms in white and violet, and can spread quickly from rhizomes to provide groundcover, reduce erosion and provide edible leaves.
Pilea Plant Grows Rapidly and Pleases
The pilea is a beautiful treasure. It is cheerful and aesthetically appealing, and quite easy to care for. It grows rapidly.
American Beech
American Beech likes full sun at maturity and tolerates shade when young. Large space is necessary for wide-spreading root system.
Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon are often planted to provide fresh flush of late season colour after other trees and shrubs have finished blooming.
Royal Catchfly is a rare Showy Plant
Royal Catchfly has showy, brilliant red flowers that are ideal for butterfly gardens, open woods, rocky soils, borders, and prairies.
Eastern White Pine Uses
Experience the warmth, comfort, and stimulation of white pine uses, including clearing airways, boosting immunity, and treating common ailments with its rich vitamin C content.
How to Grow Highbush Blueberries
Highbush blueberries are a common fruit grown in home gardens, used both fresh or frozen. Read how to grow and use highbush blueberries.
Nasturtiums, An Incredible Edible
Learn how to grow nasturtiums from seed and benefit from great nutritional value and versatile in various dishes, from salads to jellies and pesto.
White Oak
White oak
Plant of the month: Larch
Experience the beauty of Ontario's own native deciduous conifer – the larch tree! Enjoy evergreen-like foliage in spring and summer, and buttery yellow hues in fall. Find out which small larch varieties are suited for urban gardens and how to best plant and care for them.
Smooth Yellow Violet has Delightful Flowers
Smooth yellow violets are highly desirable in woodland gardens or groundcover with delightful flowers. It is easy to grow and care for.
Water Avens
Water Avens are good ground cover for cool, wet areas where many plants often struggle. It blooms in late spring or early summer. Read More.
Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy HibiscusÂ
Hibiscus are hardy perennials, while others are annuals, shrubs, or tropical plants. Hibiscus plants are grown for a variety of uses.