Featured Articles

This selection of featured articles comprises the most popular articles on our site, or the most relevant to current trends.

  • Pink and purple hydrangea with dozens of big ball-like flowers

    Hydrangea Care: an Easy Guide for Beginners

    You’re likely familiar with the big, impressive blooms of the hydrangea. What you might not know, though, is how simple hydrangea care can be.…

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  • Wildflowers with a sunny backdrop

    Favorite Easy-To-Grow Wildflower Combinations

    Zinnias and Cosmos are one of the easiest and most prolific annual combinations for endless blooms from summer through fall. Bonus: This combination makes…

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  • Small round garden table in an attractive garden landscape

    Gardening In Small Spaces

    Author: Andrea Knight, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton My husband and I have owned our home in Ottawa for over twenty years, giving me lots…

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  • Grow a Garden Full of Memories

    Author: Lee Ann Smith, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton, Published with Permission However you define a garden oasis, I’d like to encourage you to grow…

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  • child hands holding green pant above well composted earth

    Hardening Off: Last Stop Before Planting Out

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission To the uninitiated, “hardening off” might sound like the name of…

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  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • A Pink Cosmos Flower in Full Bloom

    Cosmos is a Hardy Plant with Showy Flowers

    Cosmos plants are highly resilient, blooming lavishly from early or midsummer to fall, depending on variety, and have beautiful cut leaves, spectacular blooms, and…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • Monarch butterfly on rough blazing star

    Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies

    Monarch butterflies are superb pollinators, and if they are fed plants they enjoy, they will pollinate your entire garden. Butterflies require two kinds of…

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  • A clump of Rudbeckia Hirta Black Eyed Susans along a walkway

    Plants That Love The Sun

    Plants that love the sun may provide vitality and colour to bare regions in the landscape. Before selecting plants, determine where the sun shines…

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  • A bright colourful red orange daylily by a stream

    Flowering Perennials for Four Seasons of Interest

    Flowering perennials, carefully curated to combine varying heights, colours, and textures, make the most intriguing gardens. For a beautiful, low-maintenance addition to your garden,…

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  • A close up photo of a red Canna Lily flower

    Spectacular Annuals for Containers 

    Annuals for containers are great for novice gardeners or anyone who wants to add interest and colour to their porch or patio. The most…

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  • Children in skeleton costumes sitting on brick wall which borders a garden

    Garden Brick Ideas for an Attractive Landscape

    Garden brick ideas can be elegant, functional, and can make your landscape even more inviting and exciting. Use bricks for walkways and garden wall…

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  • Red hibiscus in our garden

    Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy Hibiscus 

    Hibiscus ornamentals include varieties that bloom profusely for months, with eye-catching blooms in a variety of colours up to 30 cm wide. Of the…

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  • A landscape berm and mounds with trees, shrubs, flowering plants and burgundy mulch

    Tips For Making Landscape Mounds And Berms

    Landscape mounds and berms are a great way to add interest to your yard and landscape. They’re straight forward to build if you follow…

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  • 24 Flowers For September and October

    Visit your local nurseries in September and October and you’ll see plenty of spring-flowering bulbs for sale to be planted in fall. But live…

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