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Starting Seeds in August
The weather continues to lurch to extremes! Humidity, high heat, and torrential rains. A big test for our gardens. It can be disheartening to…
A Primer on Seed Documentation
Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission A rose by any other name may smell sweet, but failing to document…
Seed Saving: An Act of Revolution
Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Why Save Seeds? Saving my own seeds saves me money and ensures I…
Winter Sowing: A lesson about growing
Author: Shazia Y. Hussain, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission I am an avid gardener and a lifelong learner. My garden is an…
Preparing the Garden for Fall and Winter
There are people who thoroughly wash their bulbs and tubers before storing them. I let mine dry with a small bit of dirt around…
How to Test the Viability of Seeds
Often seeds will surprise us with their viability, but it is easier to test your seeds instead of taking chances. Greetings fellow gardeners Well,…
Organizing My Seeds
The envelopes in the Christmas container can hold my seed catalogues. I am not the most organized gardener, but if all of my seeds…
Microgreens for Breakfast
Microgreens often start with two little leaves, and then they will get a couple more. This is the time that I clip them as…
A Method for Saving Tomato Seeds
Judith discusses a slightly different method of saving tomato seeds, which involves fermenting the seeds to improve their quality. It is a dark morning…
Seed Collection and Saving
Seed collection is always done on a sunny day because wet seeds can go moldy very quickly. Ripe seeds should fall easily from the…
Seed Sources in Canada
One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…
Vegan Carrot Spice Cake
The carrots I buy are not all the same size and some are a little twisty, but they taste great. I just finished baking…
Bumblebees and Seeds
I never realized how much I did not know about bumblebees. And, this week I started going through the seeds that I collected and…
About Ordering Your Seeds
I used to be early if my order was in February, but now you will find many of the seeds that you want are…
How to Collect Tomato Seeds
First of all, you want to collect seeds from heritage or open-pollinated tomatoes. If you collect seeds from hybrid tomatoes, there is no telling…
Veggie Bites – Seedlings and Potatoes
I have planted up several tomato plants and there are other seedlings that would like to be potted up as well. In my case,…
Seed Germination Tips
If you have started some seeds, the first thing that you should see is a pair of leaves. These are called seed leaves and…
How To Start, Germinate and Care for Seeds
How to start seeds, germinate, grow, and care for them is a gardener’s life skill. Many plants and vegetables fare better when started indoors…
Fall Bulb Design: Easy, Colorful Combinations
Fall-planted bulbs are some of the easiest ways to add impactful colour to your spring garden.
Summer Blooming Flower Ideas For Your Garden
For some color, texture, height and drama looking at adding some summer bulbs to your garden. Some can go in the ground, others need…
3 Common Seed Starting Problems and How to Fix Them
Gardeners have asked how to be more successful with starting their own seeds and the problems usually boil down to simple, common mistakes. Here…
Bring Spring Flowers and Bulbs into Your Home
Notes from the Old Ottawa South Garden Club The last meeting in 2016 of the Old Ottawa South Garden Club (OOSGC) featured a presentation…