Getting a Head Start on the Summer Growing Season: Spring Gardening Advice

Spring gardening is an exciting time as the weather warms up and plants start to come alive. We cover soil preparation, garden layout planning, starting seeds, hardening off, watering and mulching, and fertilization, among many more.

By following these spring gardening tips, you’ll be well on your way to a bountiful and beautiful garden as the season progresses.

  • Getting a Head Start on the Summer Growing Season

    Author: Rob Stuart, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. Mid-March in Ottawa is usually the ideal time to start sowing seeds of annual…

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  • child hands holding green pant above well composted earth

    Hardening Off: Last Stop Before Planting Out

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission To the uninitiated, “hardening off” might sound like the name of…

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  • Viola in a pot with purply flower, that was previously deadheaded

    On Pruning and Deadheading Daffodils, Tulips, Lilac and Viola

    This year I am determined to do my best to deadhead my flowers. If you take off the dead flowers you will get more…

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  • Releasing a baby mason bee, held in a hand

    Releasing Bees from Their Cocoons

    Bees released from their cocoons seemed very attracted to the sweet-smelling lilacs, and there were primulas and tulips nearby. One of the most wonderful…

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  • Plants in soil as spring vegetable suggestions

    In the Garden, I Never Rush Spring

    In the garden, I never rush the spring. Be aware that all sorts of plant offerings will appear very soon and it is much…

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  • Photo of a walkway through a garden of rose bushes

    Spring Plants To Consider Growing

    As the days get longer and warmer with the arrival of spring, many people are eager to enjoy the outdoors and start gardening. Whether…

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  • snowdrops and Daffodils nubbins jutting from the ground i the spring

    Spring Garden Yard Cleaning Tips

    As the warmer weather rolls in, it’s time to think about doing a spring clean-up. This will let you make sure that the yard…

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