Category Topics

Sustainable Gardening and eco-friendly practices covers:
– Reducing the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
– Promoting organic gardening and the use of natural alternatives.
– Water conservation techniques, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.
– Composting and soil health improvement.

Is Sooty Mold Connected To Honeydew?: Sustainable Gardening

More in this Category

  • Is Sooty Mold Connected To Honeydew?

    Sooty mold on plants you’ve seen it. The black soot formed on the upper leaf surfaces of plants. Sooty mold can be a real…

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  • Summer Blooming Flower Ideas For Your Garden

    For some color, texture, height and drama looking at adding some summer bulbs to your garden. Some can go in the ground, others need…

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  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    On fertilizing your vegetable garden

    New gardeners and even some veteran gardeners add far more garden fertilizer than their vegetables need. And in many cases when plants are struggling,…

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  • A filter with spent coffee grounds ready for fertilizing plants

    Coffee Grounds for Plants

    You’ve heard that adding coffee grounds to your compost speeds decomposition and adds much-needed nitrogen to the compost. Coffee grounds are good for plants…

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  • Improve your Gardening Soil for a Vibrant Garden

    Do you want a rich, vibrant garden? This super collection of five items can supercharge your soil and improve garden growth. The solution may…

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  • 3 Common Seed Starting Problems and How to Fix Them

    Gardeners have asked how to be more successful with starting their own seeds and the problems usually boil down to simple, common mistakes. Here…

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  • A patch of blue eyed grass with flowers inbloom

    How to Prepare Soil for Grasses

    Soil Preparation for Grass Seed To prepare the soil for grass seed: Soil Preparation for Ornamental Grasses To prepare the soil for ornamental grasses:…

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  • Bring Spring Flowers and Bulbs into Your Home

    Notes from the Old Ottawa South Garden Club The last meeting in 2016 of the Old Ottawa South Garden Club (OOSGC) featured a presentation…

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