Category Topics

Sustainable Gardening and eco-friendly practices covers:
– Reducing the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
– Promoting organic gardening and the use of natural alternatives.
– Water conservation techniques, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.
– Composting and soil health improvement.

Starting Seeds in August: Sustainable Gardening

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  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    Starting Seeds in August

    The weather continues to lurch to extremes! Humidity, high heat, and torrential rains. A big test for our gardens. It can be disheartening to…

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  • Understanding Soil

    Author: Barbara Long, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. We begin our study of what lies beneath our feet by looking at the…

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  • Plastic trays with pastic pots starting seeds

    Starting Seeds: Equipment and Supply

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Are you excited to start seeds? Me too! Before starting, I like to…

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  • A Primer on Seed Documentation

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission A rose by any other name may smell sweet, but failing to document…

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  • Two hands cupped together holding seeds

    Seed Saving: An Act of Revolution

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Why Save Seeds? Saving my own seeds saves me money and ensures I…

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  • Germinating seeds becoming seedlings

    When to Start Seeds

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Browsing seed catalogues and imagining my garden for the coming season…

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  • One herb plant growing through dark and healthy soil

    Do Not Disturb the Soil

    Author: Adair Heuchan, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Most gardeners think that turning over the soil in their garden is a good…

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  • Dried leaves and seeds against an all white winter-like background

    Winter Sowing: A lesson about growing

    Author: Shazia Y. Hussain, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission I am an avid gardener and a lifelong learner. My garden is an…

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  • Growing Ginger Root

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Testing the boundaries of what can be grown in Ottawa, Canadian climate Zone 5a,…

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  • Hugelkultur with grass covering

    Hügelkultur for Winter Compost

    Greetings fellow gardeners,  I am tired and happy and covered with ice bags. Life is good.  On Saturday, I decided that I needed to…

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  • A stricking coleus with geraniums companion plant

    Preparing the Garden for Fall and Winter

    There are people who thoroughly wash their bulbs and tubers before storing them. I let mine dry with a small bit of dirt around…

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  • Wild peony going to seed

    How to Collect Seeds from Flowers

    I packed a bunch of envelopes and a pen and was able to collect a lot of seed. It is a great time of…

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  • The Dangers of Wild Parsnip and How to Protect Yourself

    The Dangers of Wild Parsnip and How to Protect Yourself

    Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a plant that can pose several dangers to humans and animals due to its toxic sap and other characteristics.…

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  • Watering can with fish emulsion fertilizer

    Watering with Fish Emulsion Fertilizer

    With the continuing heat, I try to do most of my watering in the early morning. I have a nice big green watering can…

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  • Seedlings growing indoors

    How to Test the Viability of Seeds

    Often seeds will surprise us with their viability, but it is easier to test your seeds instead of taking chances.  Greetings fellow gardeners  Well,…

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  • child hands holding green pant above well composted earth

    Why is composting good for the environment?

    In this blog, we are going to talk about why is composting good for the environment. If you’re looking for a particular reason to…

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  • Seeds torage boxes

    Organizing My Seeds

    The envelopes in the Christmas container can hold my seed catalogues. I am not the most organized gardener, but if all of my seeds…

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  • Microgreens on a shrimp platter

    Microgreens for Breakfast

    Microgreens often start with two little leaves, and then they will get a couple more. This is the time that I clip them as…

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  • Extracting and collecting seeds from half a dozen tomatoes

    A Method for Saving Tomato Seeds

    Judith discusses a slightly different method of saving tomato seeds, which involves fermenting the seeds to improve their quality. It is a dark morning…

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  • A bright pink dahlia flower ready for seed collection

    Seed Collection and Saving

    Seed collection is always done on a sunny day because wet seeds can go moldy very quickly. Ripe seeds should fall easily from the…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • A mound of white Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous Earth Keeps Insects Away

    Insects are all at once the friend and the foe of the gardener. Beneficial bugs help with pollination and can help to keep the…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • 2 pieces of vegan carrot spice cake

    Vegan Carrot Spice Cake

    The carrots I buy are not all the same size and some are a little twisty, but they taste great. I just finished baking…

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