Source: University of Rhode Island

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Insect or Mammal PestRepellent Plants
AntsCatnip, Chrysanthemums, Mints, Mugwort, Sagebrush, Spearmint, Tansy, Wormwood
AphidsCatnip, Chives, Clover, Coriander, Dill, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Garlic, Larkspur, Marigold, Mustard, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Petunias, Spearmint
Asparagus BeetlesBasil, Calendula, Nasturtium, Parsley, Petunia, Spearmint, Tansy, Tomato
Cabbage ButterfliesDill, Geranium, Hyssop, Southernwood, Tansy
Cabbage LoopersCatnip, Dill, Eucalyptus, Garlic, Hyssop, Mugwort, Nasturtium, Onion, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Sagebrush, Southernwood, Spearmint, Thyme, Wormwood
Cabbage MaggotsGarlic, Marigold, Mugwort, Radish, Sage, Sagebrush, Tansy, Thyme, Wormwood
Cabbage MothsSage, Lavender, Onion, Peppermint, Tansy
Cabbage WormsBorage
Carrot FliesBasil, Chives, Leek, Lettuce, Mugwort, Nasturtium, Onion, Rosemary, Sage, Sagebrush, Tansy, Tobacco, Wormwood
Codling MothGarlic, Lavender, Mugwort, Sagebrush, Wormwood
Colorado Potato BeetleCatnip, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Marigold, Nasturtium, Onion, Tansy
Corn EarwormCosmos, Geranium, Marigold, Thyme
Cucumber BeetleCatnip, Corn, Marigold, Nasturtium, Radish, Rue, Spearmint, Tansy
CutwormSpiny Amaranth, Tansy
Flea BeetleCatnip, Marigold, Mugwort, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Rue, Sagebrush, Spearmint, Southernwood, Tansy, Tobacco, Wormwood
FliesBasil, Tansy
Imported CabbagewormDill, Garlic, Geranium, Hyssop, Peppermint, Nasturtium, Onion, Pennyroyal, Sage, Southernwood, Tansy, Thyme, Borage
Japanese BeetleCatnip, Chives, Chrysanthemums, Four O’ Clocks, Garlic, Nasturtium, Odorless Marigold, Tansy, White Geranium, Four O’ Clocks
LeafhopperGeranium, Petunia
Mexican Bean BeetleGarlic, Marigold, Nasturtium, Rosemary, Savories
MoleCastor Bean, Narcissus
MosquitoBasil, Fever Tea, Lantana, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, Lemon Thyme, Lime Basil, Rosemary
NematodesCalendula, Chrysanthemums, French Marigold, Dahlias, Chrysanthemums
Peach BorerGarlic
Most pestsOregano, Lavender
RabbitGarlic, Marigold, Onion
Root MaggotGarlic
Slug and SnailFennel, Garlic, Rosemary
Spider MiteCoriander, Dill
Squash BugCatnip, Dill, Marigold, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Petunia, Radish, Spearmint, Tansy
Squash Vine BorerRadish
Tomato HornwormBasil, Borage, Calendula, Dill, Petunias, Thyme
WhiteflyBasil, French Marigold, Mugwort, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Sagebrush, Thyme, Wormwood


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