
  • Blackberry bush, leaves, and fruit

    Blackberry is Easy to Grow

    Blackberry bush is the plant for you if you are searching for simple fruit to grow in limited space. In many areas, these sweet-tasting…

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  • A bright pink dahlia flower ready for seed collection

    Seed Collection and Saving

    Seed collection is always done on a sunny day because wet seeds can go moldy very quickly. Ripe seeds should fall easily from the…

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  • Sqarrose goldenrod flower

    Squarrose Goldenrod

    Solidago squarrosa may be the most distinctive species of the goldenrods. As a perennial herb, it can reach a height of 190 cm (6…

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  • Hoary Vervain

    Hoary Vervain

    The hoary vervain, or Verbena stricta, is a type of herbaceous plant falling under the Verbenaceae family. The flowering plant is most commonly found…

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  • Nasturtium Vinaigrette Ingredients

    Nasturtium Vinaigrette Recipe

    Today I am straining my nasturtium vinegar and making my Nasturtium Vinaigrette. I like to use basil as my herb, but really the herb…

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  • Aloe vera in nature with orange red flowers

    Do Aloe Plants Flower?

    Over 500 species of succulent flowering plants belong to the genus Aloe. Houses, apartments, businesses, and other interior locations frequently have aloe plants. The…

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  • The yellow flowering stem of an Ohio GoldenRod

    Ohio Goldenrod

    Ohio Goldenrod (Solidago ohioensis) has a compact form that belies its large, exuberant floral display late in the season. It has flat-topped clusters of…

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  • snake plant in containers

    Sansevieria (Snake) Plant Varieties

    Snake Plants are available in various shapes, colors, and sizes, so you are sure to find one that’s right for you. The following are…

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  • A garden mith many colourful flowers

    Colourful Flowers of My Morning Garden

    My colourful flowers were so beautiful. The Emily Carr rose that had such horrible winter damage is covered in deep red roses. One of…

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  • Common milkweed flower at its peak

    Common Milkweed Host Monarch Butterflies

    Milkweed, of which there are about 14 different types in Canada, is the only host plant for monarch butterflies. In summer, the female monarch…

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  • A purple and white Passion Flower with a new budding flower next to it

    Passion Flower: Growing The Passiflora Vine

    The Passion Flower is listed as hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-9; however, it may actually struggle in zone 5 and may not survive…

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  • A hand inthe process of deadheading a rose

    Deadhead Flowers For More Flowers!

    Deadheading flowers is a very important job to do in the garden as it helps to increase the number of blooms on your plants.…

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  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • 3 pink swamp rose mallow flowers

    Swamp Rose Mallow

    Swamp Rose Mallow, known as hibiscus moscheutos, has exotic, oversized flowers that are very striking. There are five overlapping petals, each with a reddish-purple…

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  • Pale Corydalis close up with stem and flowers

    Pale Corydalis has a Delicate Flower

    Corydalis sempervirens is an attractive biennial native to rocky, shallow-soil sites and cooler climates. It is easy to start from seed and has light…

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  • Two light purple Rose of Sharon with their leaves

    Rose of Sharon

    Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus), a popular garden addition, is frequently planted to provide a burst of late-season colour after other trees and shrubs…

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  • Bog Rosemary plant, leaf and pink flower

    Bog Rosemary

    Bog rosemary is an arctic-tough, garden-pretty, small evergreen shrub. The leaves are narrow with white hairy undersides. A sharp tip on the leaves distinguishes…

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  • Two bright yellow evengin primroses against a balck background

    Evening Primrose

    Evening primroses are generally known as flowers that close during daylight hours. Evening primroses are beautiful flowers and easy to grow. They open visibly…

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  • green gooseberry round fruit on green leaf

    Gooseberry Jelly

    I decided to make gooseberry jelly instead of jam as it takes less preparation time. The gooseberry gin that I made last year was…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • A landscape berm and mounds with trees, shrubs, flowering plants and burgundy mulch

    Types of Garden Shrubs

    Among the bewildering lists of shrubs, certain names stand out as new and unusual, or, on the other hand, tried and familiar. These include…

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  • Salvia with blue purple flowers

    Care For The Salvia Plant: Flower, Medicinal and Culinary

    The more than 900 species more commonly known as sages are related to Nepeta (Catmint) and Monarda (Bee Balm). The common sage The common…

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  • Person Holding a Bromeliad Red Flower

    How To Grow And Care For Bromeliads Plants

    You may be surprised to know that pineapples are a type of terrestrial bromeliad, and they have a quite complex root system. They grow…

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  • green potted sansevieria on desk on brown wooden table

    Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

    The snake plant or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) – A genus of perennial herbs with stiff, very thick leaves, often mottled with white, and clustered…

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