
  • A new blue Borage plant growing in a spring garden

    Borage Self Seeds and Attracts Pollinators

    To me, borage is an herb that is one of the best plants to grow for pollinators. Bumblebees and butterflies are always enjoying it…

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  • Full borage plant with blue floweers

    Borage Has Many Uses

    Borage is a tall, attractive plant, often grown in flowerbeds with bright blue star-shaped edible flowers. Also known as “starflower,” the borage herb is…

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  • Bouquet of Gorgeous Flowers

    The Meaning of Gorgeous Flowers

    Flowers are incredible natural beings. They are delightful and emitting delicious fragrances much to everyone’s delight. But flowers also carry deep meanings to let…

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  • A container garden with Alliums, Anemone, Muscari, and Hyacinths seeds ready to be planted in layers

    Veggie Bites – Layered Bulb Planter, Container Garden

    I decided that I wanted to try a bulb ‘lasagna’ planter. These planters are often featured on my favourite British gardening shows. I removed…

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  • Veggie Bites – Peonies and Borage

    Oh, Borage, I love this herb!  I am hoping that you will try planting it next year in your garden or in pots. Greetings…

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  • a bright yellow calendula flower and plant

    Veggie Bites – Calendula and Other Herbs

    My calendula is producing flowers at a good rate and beginning to set seeds. It is a great plant for pollinators and I often…

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  • A vegetable garden with tomatoes and cabbage, interspersed with many types of flowers

    Plants that Repel Insects and Pests

    Companion Plants that Repel Insect and Mammals Pests

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  • Companion Plants For Tomatoes

    Some people believe in tomato companion plants and others think it is some old wives tale. Growing friendly plants together is said to help…

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