
  • A healthy Sage Plant

    On Harvesting and Drying Sage

    Judith describes her simple process for drying sage. I stopped and drank in the view this morning on my way to open the chicken…

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  • Crabapple tree with mystery blossoms

    Bringing Vegetables Outside

    While I am trying to encourage my vegetables to get started, I am still reluctant about bringing vegetables outside. I have succeeded with some,…

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  • A dozen or more aphids with a red and black ladybug on green leaf

    Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

    Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested…

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  • A close up a a lavender garden

    On Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

    Many commercial mosquitoes and insect repellent contain harmful chemicals which are toxic to children and pets. We are providing you here most effective and…

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  • A small patch of Purple Crocus making their spring appearance

    Veggie Bites – Bulbs Growing

    But then I saw a large leaf of green poking up! I have bulbs growing and that is amazing. I am not sure what…

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  • A vegetable garden with tomatoes and cabbage, interspersed with many types of flowers

    Plants that Repel Insects and Pests

    Companion Plants that Repel Insect and Mammals Pests

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  • 5 Easy to Grow Mosquito Repelling Plants

    One of the downsides of enjoying the outdoors is dealing with mosquitoes. There are some easy-to-grow plants with mosquito repelling properties, which is a…

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  • Farmland near Bay of Quinte Ontario

    To quote Bruce Cockburn, "I'm going to the country…sunshine smile on me."

    One last stop that is definitely on my “to do” list is a visit to local Carp vineyards and winery where they grow both…

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