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Veggie Bites is a series of down-to-earth articles by Master Gardener Judith Cox. Judith disseminates gardening advice, makes observations, provides updates on her garden and recipes, and much more.

Planting Peas from Seed: Veggie Bites

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  • Pea seeds in pots and containers growing in a greenhouse

    Planting Peas from Seed

    Pea seeds are also placed in cardboard tubes, which keep them safe even after they’ve been planted out. Greetings fellow gardeners,   Bee and…

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  • Peppers and Tomatoes with their seed leaves

    Tomato Seed Leaves

    Two tomato seed leaves have appeared and are developing their true leaves. Be sure there are several true leaves before you transplant them. Greetings…

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  • Indoor starter garden with seeds in many pot

    Tomato Cotyledons and Pruning Roses

    They have their little seed leaves (tomato cotyledons) waving at me and are all reaching for the light. I am continuing to leave them…

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  • Tomato Seeds on paper towels in the palm of a hand

    How I grow tomatoes from seed

    When planting tomato seeds, I make sure that they are in contact with the soil. I press them gently to make contact and sprinkle…

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  • Burdock burrs in spring

    Get rid of Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    While it is said to have medical benefits, I would not grow burdock as it is so invasive and difficult to control.  Greetings fellow…

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  • A young girl and boy with a happy family dog

    Dog in the Garden

    A dog in your garden is a special balancing act. I loved having a dog in the garden. I would take time to talk…

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  • Green Cactus in Blue and White Pot

    On the Importance of Gardening Exercises

    I would encourage you to start preparing yourself physically right now for the gardening season, to consider the importance of gardening exercises. Greetings fellow…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    For Vegetable Gardeners

    Veggie Bites allowed me to share my thoughts and ideas, my successes and my failures. I thought that by sharing my own trials and…

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  • Succession Gardening

    What is succession gardening? In the case of vegetable gardening, this is a way to grow plants to increase the yields of your crops…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • Microgreens growing in a clear plastic container

    Growing Microgreens from Seed

    Growing microgreens from seeds does not require a fancy set-up. A disposable plastic food tray will be fine as long as you poke drainage…

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  • Pepper seeds in pots with a cat looking in

    My Collection of Sweet Peppers

    I finally got my sweet pepper collection planted: Early Calwonder – a very sturdy fruit that goes from a thick green to deep scarlet…

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  • Breakfast with blood orange marmalade

    Blood Orange Marmalade

    I thought the Blood Orange Marmalade would be a fascinating one to try and a way to pave the way to making Seville Orange…

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  • 2 pieces of vegan carrot spice cake

    Vegan Carrot Spice Cake

    The carrots I buy are not all the same size and some are a little twisty, but they taste great. I just finished baking…

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  • lettuce cuttings growing in water

    Rooting in Water

    I can take a cutting and put it in water where it will root and then I can plant it. It will be interesting…

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  • Lettuce growing in a small container by the sink

    Vegetable Soup and Stock

    Put lettuce stumps in water to watch them grow. You can do this with almost all of your vegetables. Use them for vegetable soup…

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  • A bumblebee approaching light purple colored flower

    Bumblebees and Seeds

    I never realized how much I did not know about bumblebees. And, this week I started going through the seeds that I collected and…

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  • A cleaned up and made over indoor garden

    Building a Seed Growing Light Stand

    You can construct a seed growing light stand or modify an inexpensive shelving unit. You will need to take into account a few factors:…

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  • White cat in front of Christmas tree

    Taking a Break Towards Fresh and Crunchy

    I am going to take a break for the rest of 2021 and will be back fresh and crunchy in January. I have no…

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  • A arrangement of bird feeders in the garden

    Thoughts on Planning Your Garden

    Planning your garden for the next season can add to the joy of gardening. Planning allows new ideas and accentuating what worked well. Greetings…

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  • Two hands cupped together holding seeds

    About Ordering Your Seeds

    I used to be early if my order was in February, but now you will find many of the seeds that you want are…

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  • person showing green plant in garden

    Planning My Garden Layout

    There are several places in my garden that need a change. The tomatoes have been in the same area for a long time and…

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  • Collecting the bee boxes while preparing for winter

    Preparing Garden for Winter

    Just as I prepare to stay warm this winter, I also need to prepare the garden for the upcoming winter season. As I finish…

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  • A rosebud with an early winter snow on it

    End of Harvest, Winterizing My Garden Part 1

    As part of winterizing the garden, I shook the red orach plants so that the seeds are scattered everywhere. Orach seeds easily and I…

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