For Vegetable Gardeners

Veggie Bites allowed me to share my thoughts and ideas, my successes and my failures. I thought that by sharing my own trials and tribulations I could make it easier for other vegetable gardeners. I also thought I would share the problems of living with the too-many cats as there would be others wondering how they could grow plants while living with curious kitties. 

Greetings fellow gardeners,  

It would seem that Veggie Bites has come full circle. It was around this time of year, the end of March 2020, that I started to write Veggie Bites. When Covid hit, I realized that I would not be able to go to clinics or work at advice tables anymore; I knew I was going to miss that and I needed something to replace it. Another reason I started Veggie Bites is that a number of people were taking on vegetable gardening for the very first time and needed some help. 

Initially I started writing for my horticultural club (Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society) but after the column was published on Facebook it started to spread. Friends started forwarding it to others and it grew. Now it is featured in the Gardening Calendar as well as making a regular showing on Facebook. I love being able to reach more people and being able to answer more questions. I also feel honoured that I get such positive feedback. 

Veggie Bites allowed me to share my thoughts and ideas, my successes and my failures. I thought that by sharing my own trials and tribulations I could make it easier for other vegetable gardeners. I also thought I would share the problems of living with the too-many cats as there would be others wondering how they could grow plants while living with curious kitties.  The too-many cats are a big part of my life and establishing plant compound boundaries has made life much better.

Cats on a curled up on a bed
   Some of the too-many cats on a cold winter’s morning

I really like sharing my garden in this column. I have found many people are trying new vegetables and new ideas after reading about them. Perhaps more people will try to grow tasty heirloom spinach vines or have pots of bright green lettuce in summer shade. And I love the tomato pictures that people send. 

Over the last couple of days, I have been reviewing the columns that I had written. Some have a theme, some wander and some describe how I feel at that time. Life has changed so much since Covid started. My gardening job got put on hold and I had much more time to spend in my own garden. Life slowed down. I made more things, bread, pickles, jellies. I could not visit my dad in the home and the garden helped to distract me. Veggie Bites became a part of my routine. 

When I wake up in the morning, I like to look out my bedroom window and say good morning to the apple tree. There are rare mornings when I will see grouse in the branches eating the old fruit. Now what I see are the turkeys wandering back into the undergrowth like a gang of velociraptors. I am looking forward to spring when the apple blossoms swirl about like pink snow, and to the summer when the branches are humming with birdsong. 

Wild turkey feeding on snow
  Early morning turkeys

March weather is doing its own weird thing; it is almost time to plant tomatoes, and all is well with the world. Thank you for allowing me to share my world with you. Enjoy your week. Judith. (Email:  Veggie Bites are available at or

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