
  • A single flower of a yellow giant hyssop

    Yellow Giant Hyssop Quick Growth Guide

    Yellow Giant Hyssop grows quickly to reach heights of 3 to 8 feet. The bigger, lower leaves can grow to be as huge as…

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  • a patch of bellwort flowers as groundcover


    Bellwort is an excellent early-blooming native shade plant for the woodland garden, shaded border, wildflower garden, or naturalized area. It spreads slowly by rhizomes,…

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  • Bright yellow loosestrife flower

    Yellow Loosestrife

    Yellow Loosestrife is a colorful wildflower which likes moist to wet and even seasonally wet conditions in nature but will also grow well in…

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  • Great blue Lobelia

    The Great Blue Lobelia is a clump-forming perennial which grows large spikes featuring bright blue tubular flowers. The showy flowers form an elongated cluster…

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  • A developed and healthy white topped aster

    Flat-Topped Aster

    The Flat-topped Aster attracts a wide range of types of pollinators: long-and short-tongued bees, wasps, beetles, flies, and butterflies. It is a great candidate…

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  • A Quick Growing Guide for Miterwort

    The Miterwort, Mitella diphylla, is the jewel of the spring shade garden. Plant close enough to a path that the small flowers can be…

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  • The bright orange flower of the Butterfy Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa

    Butterfly Milkweed Attracts Pollinators

    Butterfly Milkweed is valued for its magnificent clusters of bright orange to yellow-orange blooms that bloom all summer. They tend to be a great…

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  • Royal Catchfly is a rare Showy Plant

    Royal Catchfly has showy, brilliant red flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies such as the Black Swallowtail. It is ideal for butterfly gardens, open…

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  • A patch of Grey Headed Coneflowers wth yellow petals

    Grey Headed Coneflower

    Grey headed Coneflower is a North American wildflower with eye-catching yellow flowers that entice birds and pollinators. This perennial is ideal for natural plantings…

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  • A small patch of Blazing Star - Liatris spicata

    Dense Blazing Star

    Dense Blazing Star, Liatris spicata, has long-lasting purple wands of packed blooms that face all directions and bloom from the top of the stem…

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  • Close up of white and pruple hairy beartongue flower

    Hairy Beardtongue Is Perfect for Many Gardens

    The Hairy Beardtongue possesses many beneficial characteristics. It is, for example, small and controllable, does not compete or spread widely, has attractive and delicate…

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  • A purple spotted bee balm flower in full bloom

    Spotted Beebalm

    The Spotted Beebalm is an unusual beauty in form and colour, distinguished by its pagoda-like blossoms. It has eye-catching clusters of creamy purple-spotted tubular…

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  • A close up of an agastache scrophulariifolia

    Purple Giant Hyssop is Great for Pollinators

    Purple Giant Hyssop sets soft plumes of the palest purple flowers that top out at 6 feet, soaring above most other plants in the…

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  • A pink Joe Pye Weed w Eupatorium maculatum with its flowers ready for pollinators

    Joe Pye Weed

    Eutrochium maculatum, sometimes known as Joe Pye Weed, is a stunning plant that grows tall with robust stems that rarely need to be anchored.…

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  • A large Virginia Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum virginianum with its abundant white flowers

    Virginia Mountain Mint Growth Guide

     Virginia Mountain Mint is a vigorous and long-lasting plant that is ideal for meadows, wildlife gardens, and woodland edges where it can roam freely.…

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  • A growth of a dozen purple Anyse Hyssop Agastache foeniculum

    Anise Hyssop is like Licorice in your Garden

    Anise Hyssop is simple to cultivate and care for in an ornamental or herb garden. Plants self-sow freely, but unwanted seedlings are easily removed.…

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  • Christmas Fern in woods

    Christmas Fern

    The Christmas Fern got its name because it flowers in winter and stays green throughout the holidays. The fronds of this plant are up…

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  • Wood Betony plant with yellow flowers and green leaves

    Wood Betony Quick Growing Guide

    Wood Betony, Pedicularis canadensis, is a valuable and attractive native flower that is an indicator of pristine prairies. Its roots attach to the roots…

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  • Blue Baptisia australis flower

    Baptisia is a Sure Bet

    Baptisia australis is beautiful and a sure bet to be introduced into your garden. Slow to develop, it is not uncommon to wait 2…

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  • Light purple colored shrp lobeb hepatica plant

    Sharp-lobed Hepatica is an Early Spring Bloomer

    Hepaticas are among the first flowers to bloom in the spring. The flowers close at night and on cloudy days when pollinators are not…

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  • Monkey flower plant, stem and purple flower

    Monkey Flower

    Named monkeyflower after the apparent resemblance the blooms have to a monkey’s face, the Square-Stemmed Monkeyflower bears asymmetrical, tubular violet or pink flowers which…

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  • A patch of yellow helenium autumnale - common sneeze weed

    Common Sneezeweed

    Common Sneezeweed looks gorgeous when planted en masse and mixes wonderfully with decorative grasses or other perennial plants. It has daisy-like blooms that often…

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  • False sunflower in glorious yellow in tilt shift lens

    False Sunflower is a Hardy, Easy Bloomer

    False sunflowers bloom throughout summer in the perennial border or cutting garden. It also works well in a native plant or wild garden, as…

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  • Poke milkweed

    Caring for Poke Milkweed

    Although the milky sap is poisonous to humans, poke milkweed is an important nectar source for native bees, wasps, and other nectar-seeking insects. Unfortunately,…

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