wildflower garden

  • Photo of a walkway through a garden of rose bushes

    Spring Plants To Consider Growing

    As the days get longer and warmer with the arrival of spring, many people are eager to enjoy the outdoors and start gardening. Whether…

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  • Showing the red bark of the red osier dogwaood

    January Plant of the Month: Red Osier Dogwood

    This hardy, ornamental shrub is my plant choice for January as it can be depended upon to deliver vibrant red colour to the winter…

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  • How to Grow the Delicate Harebell

    Harebell, Campanula rotundifolia, is delicate, attractive, and graceful. Each plant produces an abundance of purple bell-shaped flowers. Harebell is a tiny wildflower that only…

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  • Culver's Root in a garden with its white vertical flowers

    Culver’s Root is a Hardy Perennial

    Veronicastrum virginicum, also known as Culver’s Root, is a tall, hardy perennial with lovely whorled leaves. In the early and middle summer, the plants…

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  • White trillium plants with blooming flowers

    White Trillium, an Official Emblem.

    The white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum), also known as the wake-robin and the white lily, was officially adopted as Ontario’s floral emblem in 1937.  These…

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  • Bottle gentian flower and leaves in a wildgarden

    Bottle Gentian is a Garden Darling!

    Bottle Gentian is, with its dark blue closed flower, among the finest perennials to grace the garden in late summer. Bottle gentian has bottle-like…

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  • A dozen colorful tick seed coreopsis

    Lanceleaf Tickseed Coreopsis

    Lanceleaf Tickseed is popular and ideal for the garden, outdoor pots and containers. It has bright yellow spring daisy-like blooms that bloom from spring…

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  • A developed and healthy white topped aster

    Flat-Topped Aster

    The Flat-topped Aster attracts a wide range of types of pollinators: long-and short-tongued bees, wasps, beetles, flies, and butterflies. It is a great candidate…

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  • 3 pink swamp rose mallow flowers

    Swamp Rose Mallow

    Swamp Rose Mallow, known as hibiscus moscheutos, has exotic, oversized flowers that are very striking. There are five overlapping petals, each with a reddish-purple…

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  • a patch of bellwort flowers as groundcover


    Bellwort is an excellent early-blooming native shade plant for the woodland garden, shaded border, wildflower garden, or naturalized area. It spreads slowly by rhizomes,…

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  • Dutchman's breeches plant and flower

    Dutchman’s Breeches is a Spring Nectar Source

    Dutchman’s Breeches is an ephemeral spring woodland species. It blooms in the early spring, when sunlight hits the forest floor before the canopy of…

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  • Thimbleweed plant with leaf and white flowers with yellow centers

    Thimbleweed Care, Propagation, Toxicity

    Thimbleweed is an excellent spring flower for the shaded or woodland garden, with flowers from summer to early fall. It is a good choice…

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  • St. John's Wort Yellow flowers

    Great St. John’s Wort Care and Uses

    St. John’s Wort is a magnificent, vivacious plant with flowers that can be up to 5 cm wide. It is easy to cultivate and…

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  • The bright yellow flower of the Silphium terebinthinaceum

    Prairie Dock

    Magnificent Silphium genus, it displays its bright yellow flowers on tall stems in late summer. Grows easily from seed, and is at home on…

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