Caring for Poke Milkweed

Caring for Poke Milkweed

Although the milky sap is poisonous to humans, poke milkweed is an important nectar source for native bees, wasps, and other nectar-seeking insects. Unfortunately, non-native honey bees commonly get trapped in the stigmatic slits and die. Milkweeds are also the larval food source for monarch butterflies and their relatives, as well as a variety of…

Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies
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Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are superb pollinators, and if they are fed plants they enjoy, they will pollinate your entire garden. Butterflies require two kinds of plants to survive: host plants and food plants. Plant a monarch butterfly garden because their populations have been progressively dropping in recent decades, mostly due to habitat loss and pesticide usage….

Veggie Bites – Hybridized Tomato and Rhubarb
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Veggie Bites – Hybridized Tomato and Rhubarb

They discovered that when Joan’s father saved the seed it started reverting and became its own type of tomato. If for example you use a grocery store tomato for seeds, because it is hybridized you will not get the same tomato with which you started. Greetings fellow gardeners,  I have been hoping for rain for…

Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside
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Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the fruits of gardens, but also the satisfying work that creates this bounty These basic general tips and reminders reflect only my personal approach and ideas about what is most important in…

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