
  • Orhid pot sitting in water

    Watering Orchids by Sitting them in Water

    I love my orchids, although I do not profess to be an expert when it comes to their care. Greetings fellow gardeners,  My operation…

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  • Vanilla ramosa plant

    Growing and Cultivating Vanilla Plants

    The vanilla plant is an orchid. There are approximately 110 species of vanilla orchid, but only two of these produce commercial vanilla. About 15…

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  • Prosthechea trulla Orchid with its white petals with purple stripes

    Choosing Flowers to Match One’s Personality: Tulips vs. Orchids

    Choosing a flower to suit one’s personality is a fun way to add meaning and beauty to an event or home decor. In this…

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  • Bright orange orchids in full bloom

    Orchids at the Vallarta Botanical Garden

    Text and photos are courtesy of the Vallarta Botanical Garden. Did you know Vanilla plant is an orchid? Pleurothalis cardiothallis The collections of our…

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  • White baneberry seeds that resemble doll's eyes

    Five Scary Plants to Frighten Your Day

    With Halloween around the corner, let’s have a bit of fun.  Here are five scary plants that would do any fright night justice.  Venus…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • Pepper seeds in pots with a cat looking in

    My Collection of Sweet Peppers

    I finally got my sweet pepper collection planted: Early Calwonder – a very sturdy fruit that goes from a thick green to deep scarlet…

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  • Brown and White dog with safe garden flowers and plants

    Toxic Plants for Dogs and Cats, and Safe Flowers

    It is important to be aware that plants and flowers are toxic to dogs and cats. This list can vary for dogs, cats, horses,…

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  • Bright orange orchids in full bloom

    Orchid Care Is About Recreating Habitats

    Basic orchid care attempts to recreate the habitat in which a certain variety of orchid developed. Some bloom November-December and others May-June – although…

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  • Veggie Bites – Sage and Dragon Fruit

    A couple of weeks ago, I planted some of the white sage seeds that were sent to me from California. This zone nine sage…

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  • Veggie Bites – Calendula and Grapeseed

    I am very excited at how well my calendula oil turned out. I used grapeseed oil as my carrier oil this time… Greetings fellow…

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  • 24 Flowers For September and October

    Visit your local nurseries in September and October and you’ll see plenty of spring-flowering bulbs for sale to be planted in fall. But live…

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  • How To Grow Succulent Plants Outdoors

    Dramatic, bizarre garden succulents lend themselves perfectly to the enhancing of contemporary architecture. Once banished to the rock garden, these plants are becoming more…

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  • Plants to Help Improve Indoor Air Quality

    People are increasingly concerned with the quality of air in the indoor spaces in which they spend significant amounts of time.

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  • 3 flower pots with pinkish green leaves

    Create a Spa in Your Bathroom

    Every room in your house looks cozier and more beautiful filled with houseplants.

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  • Dazzling yellow orchid

    Outdoor Orchids For Shade Gardens

    Hardy orchids are not for the faint-of-heart gardener but those who love plants have found success growing them as natives among a wildflower planting,…

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  • 17 Best Bathroom Plants, How to Choose and Use

    Houseplants improve the air quality in your home by cleaning the toxins from the air. While it’s advisable to have houseplants in every room,…

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  • a row of young seedlings growing in a vegetable garden

    On Picking The Right Garden Fertilizer

    Most soil usually does not contain enough nutrients to help plants reach optimum performance and growth levels. Even the very best garden soil becomes…

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  • On Self Watering – Sub Irrigation Planters.

    Self-watering planters or Sub-Irrigation planters (SIP) are the perfect choices for anyone wanting to take up container gardening. However, self-watering pots are ideally suited…

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  • A filter with spent coffee grounds ready for fertilizing plants

    Coffee Grounds for Plants

    You’ve heard that adding coffee grounds to your compost speeds decomposition and adds much-needed nitrogen to the compost. Coffee grounds are good for plants…

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  • a collage of many dozens of houseplants

    35 of the Best Houseplants For Your Home!

    NASA recommends adding houseplants to your home environment to help clean the air and overall improve indoor air quality. Common sense will tell you…

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  • An Aglaonema emerald in a container in the Bedroom

    Houseplants for the Bedroom

    Unique indoor plants are the perfect solution to help purify the air and add serenity to your space. Plus, they can add natural color…

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