
  • A purple and white Passion Flower with a new budding flower next to it

    Passion Flower: Growing The Passiflora Vine

    The Passion Flower is listed as hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-9; however, it may actually struggle in zone 5 and may not survive…

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  • An english Ivy on fences in a calming scene

    6 Plants to Grow For Sleep, Anxiety, Calmness

    It’s natural to have, at times, some anxiety, have trouble sleeping or the need for calmness. Why not have some plants in your environment…

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  • A glass teapot of freshly brewed green tea, with the green tea leaves visible also

    7 Calming Teas and Herbs For Anxiety

    There are several herbs and remedial plants noted for their ability to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, all while promoting a healthy lifestyle.…

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