
  • orange and black monarch butterfly on flower

    Choosing Plants for a Butterfly Garden

    Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: the host plant and the food plant. Attracting butterflies to your garden takes more than just…

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  • Brown and White dog with safe garden flowers and plants

    Toxic Plants for Dogs and Cats, and Safe Flowers

    It is important to be aware that plants and flowers are toxic to dogs and cats. This list can vary for dogs, cats, horses,…

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  • Threatening storm approaching a sunny area with vegetation

    Climate Change Adaptation for Gardeners

    Unfortunately, climate change is threatening the gardening experience. There have been changes and more changes are coming. Fortunately, gardeners can play an important role…

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  • Swiss chard plant

    Bringing Lantana Indoors, Raspberry Royale, Red Malabar

    To bring my Lantana indoors for the winter, I repotted it after checking for any creatures that might be lurking in the leaves and…

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  • An english Ivy on fences in a calming scene

    6 Plants to Grow For Sleep, Anxiety, Calmness

    It’s natural to have, at times, some anxiety, have trouble sleeping or the need for calmness. Why not have some plants in your environment…

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  • A glass teapot of freshly brewed green tea, with the green tea leaves visible also

    7 Calming Teas and Herbs For Anxiety

    There are several herbs and remedial plants noted for their ability to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, all while promoting a healthy lifestyle.…

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  • A close up photo of a red Canna Lily flower

    How To Plant And Care For Canna Lilies

    The canna lily plant is a flamboyant summer flowering plant with a bold look. The plant grows from thick, fleshy bulbs. Canna is a…

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  • A dozen or more aphids with a red and black ladybug on green leaf

    Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

    Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested…

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  • Two women, a senior with potentially a daughter, pruning a plant in a beautiful backyard setting

    7 Gardening Projects that are Perfect for Seniors

    Whether you’re doing it indoors or outside, gardening is a pastime that offers lots of benefits to seniors.  Not only can fun gardening projects…

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  • Cutting lettuce with scissors

    Cutting lettuce with scissors

    I find the best way to harvest lettuce is to cut it as needed. The lettuce will continue to grow and can be cut…

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  • A wooden walkway with yellow mud boots against a garden.

    Planning A Garden Wisely: How To Avoid Garden Planning Mistakes

    Growing a garden is a great way to make your yard look beautiful while adding to nature. There are many different garden styles and…

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  • A perfectly green and maintained lawn, presumably maintained with organic lawn fertilizer

    A Guide to Organic Lawn Fertilizer

    Looking for good ways to fertilize your lawn organically, as a step in organic lawn care? We’re breaking down everything related to organic lawn…

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  • Gardening in shipping containers

    Shipping Containers and Sustainable Food Production

    It is a well-known fact by now that our current way of living on the planet is not sustainable. Global population continues to grow.…

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  • a flower bed with for large stones, attractively set

    Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for the New Gardener

    As a new gardener, you’re likely dreaming of all of the things you could do with your landscaping. Maybe it’s a yard full of…

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  • A close up a a lavender garden

    On Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

    Many commercial mosquitoes and insect repellent contain harmful chemicals which are toxic to children and pets. We are providing you here most effective and…

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  • A leafy area with pests on it's twigs

    19 Garden Pests and How To Treat Them

    Unfortunately, one of the most severe issues you will face off is the fight with pests. I will list you here some basic strategies…

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  • In house vegetable and seed garden with artificial light

    Veggie Bites – Seedlings

    As the days have been getting longer, I have been monitoring my little seedlings and decided it was time to transplant several of them…

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  • Basket of Freshly picked home garden vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, peppers

    Building a Home Vegetable Garden

    If you have a garden of your own, getting access to fresh fruits and vegetables is convenient, but what if you live in an…

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  • The leaves of six herbs against a white background

    7 Best Kitchen Herbs for Cooking That You Can Grow Yourself

    Cooking with fresh herbs and spices does not have to be complicated or expensive. You can also have an indoor herb garden, especially if…

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  • Maintaining a small garden with trowel with earth in it

    Maximizing A Small Garden In Your New Home

    Making a small garden feel bigger can be a challenge but it’s not impossible. If you’ve just moved into a house with limited outdoor…

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  • a package of microgreen seeds

    Veggie Bites – Microgreens

    Microgreens are basically the seedlings of edible vegetables like beets and kale, or herbs like basil or cilantro. Their popularity in the kitchen seemed…

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  • a bright yellow calendula flower and plant

    Veggie Bites – Calendula and Other Herbs

    My calendula is producing flowers at a good rate and beginning to set seeds. It is a great plant for pollinators and I often…

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  • Basket of Freshly picked home garden vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, peppers

    A Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Gardening

    Backyard gardening is good for physical health and well-being, and it’s an enjoyable hobby that can help you to connect with the natural world…

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  • Plants in containers and pots with root rot

    Caring For Plants With Root Rot

    If you grow plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, vegetables and houseplants, you’ll likely encounter root rot: Powdery Mildew Blossom-end rot Leaf infection Wilting So, what…

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