
  • A patch of Fireweed on a hill in the countryside


    Fireweed, a member of the willow plant family, is distinguished by its gorgeous magenta flowers. Its common name comes from its sudden appearance after…

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  • A healthy Sage Plant

    On Harvesting and Drying Sage

    Judith describes her simple process for drying sage. I stopped and drank in the view this morning on my way to open the chicken…

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  • Partridgeberry as ground cover with red fruit


    Partridgeberry is a low-growing, creeping, and woody herb that is evergreen, perennial, part of the Rubiaceae family. From Newfoundland down to central Florida and…

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  • Full borage plant with blue floweers

    Borage Has Many Uses

    Borage is a tall, attractive plant, often grown in flowerbeds with bright blue star-shaped edible flowers. Also known as “starflower,” the borage herb is…

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  • A close up of white pine needles

    Eastern White Pine Uses

    White pine uses include the sensation of opening the lungs, throat, and sinuses, leading to a feeling of warmth, comfort, and stimulation. Eastern White…

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  • A patch of Solidago rugosa plants

    Rough-stemmed goldenrod

    Rough-stemmed goldenrod is a herbaceous perennial with rough leaves that can grow up to 2 m (6.6 ft) tall. The majority of its leaves…

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  • Gardenia plant with a dozen white flowers

    Gardenia Varieties

    Gardenia varieties are striking and fragrant flowering plants in the Rubiaceae, or the coffee madder family. It is a genus native to various regions…

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  • Herbs hanging in kitchen to dry

    How to Dry Herbs

    While freshly picked herbs produce the best flavours, there is always an abundance that cannot be used in a single season. The next best…

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  • Nasturtium Vinaigrette Ingredients

    Nasturtium Vinaigrette Recipe

    Today I am straining my nasturtium vinegar and making my Nasturtium Vinaigrette. I like to use basil as my herb, but really the herb…

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  • a full Blue Cohosh plant

    Blue Cohosh

    Blue Cohosh is well-known for its effects as a female health supplement. Native Americans employed roots and flowers as herbal medicine to cure a…

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  • A small grove of bee balm wild bergamot plants and purple flowers

    Wild Bergamot

    Wild Bergamot has rich globular heads of fragrant lilac-purple tubular blooms. The flower heads perch on a whorl of beautiful, pinkish bracts and bloom…

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  • Red Cardinal Flower with a hummingbird feeding on it

    Cardinal Flower Attracts Pollinators

    Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a native herb that grows along riverbanks and is occasionally found in garden flower beds as a perennial. Cardinal…

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  • Monarch butterfly on a coneflower echinacea

    Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden

    Echinacea is an excellent flower to grow in a garden because its brilliant colours stand out against the green surroundings. They make an eye-catching…

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  • A purple and white Passion Flower with a new budding flower next to it

    Passion Flower: Growing The Passiflora Vine

    The Passion Flower is listed as hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-9; however, it may actually struggle in zone 5 and may not survive…

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  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • Peace lily in a container by a window

    Peace Lily Care – Spathiphyllum Plant

    More than 30 different types of plants belong to this group along with dozens of hybrids. They are native to tropical areas of the…

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  • Four colourful coleus plants

    Care and Use Colorful Coleus Plants

    Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry – in the garden, around the patio or as an indoor plant. There’s…

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  • Salvia with blue purple flowers

    Care For The Salvia Plant: Flower, Medicinal and Culinary

    The more than 900 species more commonly known as sages are related to Nepeta (Catmint) and Monarda (Bee Balm). The common sage The common…

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  • Crabapple tree with mystery blossoms

    Bringing Vegetables Outside

    While I am trying to encourage my vegetables to get started, I am still reluctant about bringing vegetables outside. I have succeeded with some,…

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  • Red hibiscus in our garden

    Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy Hibiscus 

    Hibiscus ornamentals include varieties that bloom profusely for months, with eye-catching blooms in a variety of colours up to 30 cm wide. Of the…

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  • hummingbird feeding on purple flowers

    The Top 8 Plants That Attract Hummingbirds

    We’ll be talking about 8 different plants that appeal to hummingbirds, going into the details of their origin, life cycle, and appearance. But first,…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • red and black lady bug - a good bug - on green leaf plant

    Beneficial Insects and Good Bugs For Your Garden

    Here’s the deal on Beneficial Insects (aka good garden bugs). You may think all insects are pests or bugs, but that simply is not…

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