
  • Four colourful coleus plants

    Care and Use Colorful Coleus Plants

    Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry – in the garden, around the patio or as an indoor plant. There’s…

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  • Salvia with blue purple flowers

    Care For The Salvia Plant: Flower, Medicinal and Culinary

    The more than 900 species more commonly known as sages are related to Nepeta (Catmint) and Monarda (Bee Balm). The common sage The common…

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  • Person Holding a Bromeliad Red Flower

    How To Grow And Care For Bromeliads Plants

    You may be surprised to know that pineapples are a type of terrestrial bromeliad, and they have a quite complex root system. They grow…

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  • Young lemons growing on their vine

    How To Grow Lemon Trees From Seed

    There is something about the fresh smell of a flowering lemon tree. Lush, dark green, oval leaves shining in the sunlight. Their fragrant, white…

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  • Tropical Dracaena trifasciata plant growing near wall with Give Love text

    Janet Craig Dracaena: Low Light Houseplant

    Dracaena Janet Craig has been a favourite indoor workhorse for decades, often used as a floor plant in interior conditions or mass planted in…

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  • clear glass terrariums

    How To Make A Terrarium

    Terrariums make great additions to any room. There are endless options for variety, decorations and plants. They can be assembled in minutes and will…

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  • green potted sansevieria on desk on brown wooden table

    Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

    The snake plant or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) – A genus of perennial herbs with stiff, very thick leaves, often mottled with white, and clustered…

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  • A big leaf showing significant plant disease with discolouring and molds

    Top 5 Plant Killing Diseases and Protections

    Plant diseases can ruin your day! If you have several ornamental or edible plants in your garden, it’s a good idea to have a…

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  • purple and white calibrachoa flowers in white ceramic vase

    How To Grow And Care For Calibrachoa – Million Bells

    You’ve seen the Calibrachoa, a tender perennial commonly known as “Million Bells.” You’ve enjoyed this plant in the nightshade family filling containers and baskets…

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  • Two beautiful white canna lilies in full bloom

    How To Grow Calla Lily

    Calla lily, also known as Zantedeschia aethiopica, belongs to the family of Araceae, a native to South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. This trumpet-shaped flower…

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  • An African Violet with white inner flower with purple petal tips

    African Violet Care and Propagation

    We are big fans of African violets and know many of you are, too! These houseplants add color to any space in winter and…

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  • Beautiful pink and purple fuchsia flowers on their plant

    How To Care For The Appealing Fuchsia Plant

    Our fuchsias of today still carry the original grace but the beautiful blooms are much larger and in showy colors.

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  • Pothos or Epipremnum aureum in a wicker pot

    Easy Care Pothos Plant

    The Pothos is one of the – “Best indoor plants for clean air.”

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  • Red hibiscus in our garden

    Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy Hibiscus 

    Hibiscus ornamentals include varieties that bloom profusely for months, with eye-catching blooms in a variety of colours up to 30 cm wide. Of the…

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  • Peperomia plant in a pot

    Peperomia Care, Propagation and Varieties

    The Peperomia plant is an easy care, versatile and recommended houseplant that that may be used in any room of the house. They are…

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  • Gardening basics: A Woman Holding Shears while Standing beside a Man

    Basic Steps for Gardening at Home

    Here is a list of basics steps that a gardener can follow. The more natives you incorporate into your garden, the happier flora and…

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  • snowdrops and Daffodils nubbins jutting from the ground i the spring

    Spring Garden Yard Cleaning Tips

    As the warmer weather rolls in, it’s time to think about doing a spring clean-up. This will let you make sure that the yard…

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  • A group of bright pink astilbes

    Awesome Astilbe – Shade, Sun and Moisture

    Astilbes are the drama queens of the shade garden. You cannot help but admire these ‘no-fuss’ divas for their beauty and grace.

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  • Succession Gardening

    What is succession gardening? In the case of vegetable gardening, this is a way to grow plants to increase the yields of your crops…

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  • Indoor plant with brown tips

    How to Deal with Brown Tips on Indoor Plants

    Brown tips on houseplants indicate that the plants are stressed and require attention. Brown tips are due to a variety of circumstances. Most of…

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  • red and black lady bug - a good bug - on green leaf plant

    Beneficial Insects and Good Bugs For Your Garden

    Here’s the deal on Beneficial Insects (aka good garden bugs). You may think all insects are pests or bugs, but that simply is not…

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  • The Ultimate Lucky Bamboo Care Guide

    The lucky bamboo, with its twisty shape and sculptural design, is a plant that’s hard to miss and resist! These guys make a great…

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  • Bright orange orchids in full bloom

    Orchid Care Is About Recreating Habitats

    Basic orchid care attempts to recreate the habitat in which a certain variety of orchid developed. Some bloom November-December and others May-June – although…

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  • Freshly grown and picked white and red garlic bulb

    How to Grow, Plant, Cure and Store Garlic

    This as your complete guide on growing garlic, including how to plant garlic, when to plant, plant care including watering, curing garlic and storing…

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