
  • Glory of the Snow with its blue flowers

    10 Fabulous Bulbs to Plant in the Fall 

    It’s time to set the stage for brilliant spring color by choosing bulbs to plant in the fall to enjoy in your beds, borders, and…

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  • A composite photo of tiger lilies

    How To Care For Tiger Lily

    It’s easy to grow a Tiger Lily from bulbs, and their lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Offering vibrant…

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  • Pink cyclamen flowers against a black background

    How to Propagate Cyclamen

    When propagating cyclamens, remember that each propagation technique is not necessarily suitable for all types of cyclamens. Did you know that cyclamen plants come…

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  • A wild leek plant with a cear view of its leaves

    Wild Leek

    Wild leek are one of the earliest wild edible plants to emerge in spring. Historically, ramps were regarded as a spring tonic, and early…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • Young lemons growing on their vine

    How To Grow Lemon Trees From Seed

    There is something about the fresh smell of a flowering lemon tree. Lush, dark green, oval leaves shining in the sunlight. Their fragrant, white…

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  • How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

    The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name would not be so sweet to gardeners, nor would the other numerous little blue forget…

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  • Two beautiful white canna lilies in full bloom

    How To Grow Calla Lily

    Calla lily, also known as Zantedeschia aethiopica, belongs to the family of Araceae, a native to South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. This trumpet-shaped flower…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • Threatening storm approaching a sunny area with vegetation

    Climate Change Adaptation for Gardeners

    Unfortunately, climate change is threatening the gardening experience. There have been changes and more changes are coming. Fortunately, gardeners can play an important role…

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  • A rosebud with an early winter snow on it

    End of Harvest, Winterizing My Garden Part 1

    As part of winterizing the garden, I shook the red orach plants so that the seeds are scattered everywhere. Orach seeds easily and I…

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  • An elegant bouquet of striking flowers with pink lilies and rose

    On the Meaning of a Lily: Colour is Key

    Lilies are absolutely beautiful flowers that can be given as gifts. Do they symbolize something? The delightful white lily is a popular choice to…

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  • Swiss chard plant

    Bringing Lantana Indoors, Raspberry Royale, Red Malabar

    To bring my Lantana indoors for the winter, I repotted it after checking for any creatures that might be lurking in the leaves and…

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  • Freshly grown and picked white and red garlic bulb

    How to Grow, Plant, Cure and Store Garlic

    This as your complete guide on growing garlic, including how to plant garlic, when to plant, plant care including watering, curing garlic and storing…

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  • A close up photo of a red Canna Lily flower

    How To Plant And Care For Canna Lilies

    The canna lily plant is a flamboyant summer flowering plant with a bold look. The plant grows from thick, fleshy bulbs. Canna is a…

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  • A close up of the face and eyes of a wasp on white textile

    Wasp Removal: Issues and Natural Methods

    The need for wasp removal is directly proportional to how often they bother you. Or a wasp nest in a bad spot is “Wasp…

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  • microburst thunderstorm clouds on the horizon as a pefect analogy for changing hardiness and climate zones

    Hardiness Zones are Shifting With Climate Change

    We will have to deal with climate zone map changes in the near future. Climate shifts have already begun to affect our everyday lives…

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  • yellow, red, and green fall leaves as a reminder for your fall gardening checklist

    Do You Have A Fall Gardening Checklist?

    A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…

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  • A collection of tomato seeds

    On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur

    I have been saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades. The raw seed going straight to a paper towel to dry works, but it…

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  • A line fo your plants in a raised garden bed

    Soil Calculator and Raised Garden Bed Basics

    It is imperative that soil contains vitamins, nutrients, and organic matter that can feed the plants, as well as give the roots plenty of…

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  • A scene full of cool weather crops, floers and greenery

    Veggie Bites – Rose Petal Jelly

    The rose I went for is the one I know as Frontenac. I brought a four-cup measuring cup with me and filled it with…

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  • green and red plant on white wooden fence

    Veggie Bites – Head Start with Your Vegetable Garden

    If you want to get a head start on some of your more tender vegetables in your garden them, now is the time to…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Veggie Bites – Planting Vegetables

    It is not too early to be planting some vegetables such as peas, chard, kale, beets, and lettuce. These cool weather crops will be…

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  • A close up a a lavender garden

    On Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

    Many commercial mosquitoes and insect repellent contain harmful chemicals which are toxic to children and pets. We are providing you here most effective and…

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