
  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Keystone Plants Shrubs Ecoregion 5

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. “Restoring viable habitat within the humandominated landscapes that separate habitat fragments – with as…

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  • Downy Serviceberry leaves and fruit

    Downy Serviceberry Quick Growth Guide

    The Downy Serviceberry provides food for over 40 species of birds. The berries can be used to make jams or pies and taste almost…

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  • How to Grow Highbush Blueberries

    Highbush blueberries are a common fruit grown in home gardens that can be used fresh or frozen. Blueberry bushes are long-lived plants with a…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • Blueberries on their vine

    How to Prune Blueberries

    To get a great crop of blueberries every year, one also has to prune the shrubs every winter. Not spring or fall, but during…

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  • a row of young seedlings growing in a vegetable garden

    On Picking The Right Garden Fertilizer

    Most soil usually does not contain enough nutrients to help plants reach optimum performance and growth levels. Even the very best garden soil becomes…

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  • A filter with spent coffee grounds ready for fertilizing plants

    Coffee Grounds for Plants

    You’ve heard that adding coffee grounds to your compost speeds decomposition and adds much-needed nitrogen to the compost. Coffee grounds are good for plants…

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  • Flowers with Vegetables: Beauty and the Eats

    Master Gardener Judith Cox gave a presentation on how to grow flowers and vegetables together for beauty and food.

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  • Flowers with Vegetables: Beauty and the Eats

    Master Gardener Judith Cox gave a presentation on how to grow flowers and vegetables together for beauty and food.

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