Favorite Easy-To-Grow Wildflower Combinations
Zinnias and Cosmos are one of the easiest and most prolific annual combinations for endless blooms from summer through fall. Bonus: This combination makes…
Gray-black Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens)
During this season, we have a large number of visitors at the Vallarta Botanical Garden from the winter territories of Canada and the United…
10 Shrubs with Berries for Fall and Winter Bird Treats
Berries are an irresistible treat for birds, particularly in winter when food is scarce. The fruits produced by these shrubs provide calories and crucial…
Canada Milk Vetch
Canada Milk Vetch is great for attracting hummingbirds, birds, butterflies, and bees. The flowers and seed heads are excellent for bouquets, and the leaves…
Sunflowers are Nutritional, Long Summer Bloomers
Sunflowers are versatile plants that provide a long summer bloom for the perennial border or cutting garden. They are also effective in a native…
Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden
Echinacea is an excellent flower to grow in a garden because its brilliant colours stand out against the green surroundings. They make an eye-catching…
Deadhead Flowers For More Flowers!
Deadheading flowers is a very important job to do in the garden as it helps to increase the number of blooms on your plants.…
Seven Easy Outdoor Plants for Everyone
These seven easy outdoor plants will set you on your way to sprucing up that backyard in no time. And they require very little…
Purple Giant Hyssop is Great for Pollinators
Purple Giant Hyssop sets soft plumes of the palest purple flowers that top out at 6 feet, soaring above most other plants in the…
Lance-Leaved Figwort Growing Guide
Lance-Leaved Figwort, and figworts for that matter, are plants which may not have the most attractive appearance. However, they provide a large amount of…
Grey Dogwood Care and Use
Grey dogwood is a hardy, low-maintenance shrub that provides subdued beauty all year round. Around June, white flower panicles enliven the surroundings. In the…
White Spruce
If you love seeing wildlife, the white spruce provides nesting sites and shelter as well as food for many kinds of wildlife. Birds and…
Downy Serviceberry Quick Growth Guide
The Downy Serviceberry provides food for over 40 species of birds. The berries can be used to make jams or pies and taste almost…
American Elder
At least 50 species of songbirds, upland game birds, and small mammals relish the fruit of American elder during summer and early fall. American…
Canada Mayflower Growing Guide
Canada Mayflower can form large patches in a wide range of habitats, but it is most common in boreal coniferous forests. They are abundant…
Swamp Milkweed
Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) is known for its ability to thrive in swampy areas and wet meadows. It is a monarch butterfly host plant…
Prairie Dock
Magnificent Silphium genus, it displays its bright yellow flowers on tall stems in late summer. Grows easily from seed, and is at home on…
New England Aster for Late Season Blooms
The New England Aster is an attractive addition to any pollinator or natural garden. It is easily recognised by its huge rose-purple blooms, which…
Lilac Care and Propagation
Lilacs are some of the most beautiful plants, with their vibrant colours and sweet fragrance! They are perfect for any landscaping application, including hedges, foundation plantings, small…
Gooseberry Jelly
I decided to make gooseberry jelly instead of jam as it takes less preparation time. The gooseberry gin that I made last year was…
Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies
Monarch butterflies are superb pollinators, and if they are fed plants they enjoy, they will pollinate your entire garden. Butterflies require two kinds of…
Lilac types- Plant of the Month
Lilacs are one the great Ottawa landscape plants! There are many reasons to love them with their sweet perfume and those beautiful amethyst –…
Spectacular Annuals for Containers
Annuals for containers are great for novice gardeners or anyone who wants to add interest and colour to their porch or patio. The most…
Care For The Salvia Plant: Flower, Medicinal and Culinary
The more than 900 species more commonly known as sages are related to Nepeta (Catmint) and Monarda (Bee Balm). The common sage The common…