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Description: If you have numerous garden trees in the backyard, it could be dangerous as they may fall down, causing a lot of damage. This article looks at tell-tale signs of whether yours are in danger of falling.
Strong wind, thunderstorms, tornadoes, or harsh hurricanes could cause branches of hazardous trees to break off and even make the whole thing to topple down onto your roof. Every year, trees that fall onto houses create hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, posing a significant risk to both you and your family. Home insurance usually covers house damage because of fallen trees; however, it is a lot better to avoid having to file insurance in the first place and causing your premiums to increase.
Fortunately, you stumble upon this article, and we’re going to take you through some of the warning signs to tell you that your mighty oak may fall. Hopefully, after reading, you will not face the risk of tall garden trees damaging your home. So, without further ado, let’s look at several sites where your tree might be in danger.
Look at your garden trees to determine whether there are any hollows. Numerous hollows can come around when it drops branches. When branches fall, this can lead to decay that forms inside of it. It isn’t always a sign of immediate danger, but it’s something to bear in mind nonetheless. If there is enough wood surrounding a hollow, it is unlikely to fall.
When there is a gash that has led to some bark missing, this is technically known as a canker. Cankers make trees more likely to break at these spots, even if the rest of the plant looks okay. If these cracks are particularly deep, this can be a bad sign, and you should think about cutting down trees in your garden.
If you ever worked on felling trees in your garden, you would notice some trees dropping branches. This is a clear sign that something is not right. If you think about it, the trees try to get smaller so that it’s much easier to feed themselves. Branches may fall with alarming force, even on calm days.
If a trunk is leaning more than 15°, whether it is due to root damage or wind, this is a common sign that it needs to be removed. However, if yours is naturally tilting because this is the way it grew, then this is not an issue.
Often when trees begin to lose their pattern, this can tell you that there is a problem with the root zone. This zone is where the plant obtains its water and nutrients, and it is what keeps the tree standing upright. When root systems are damaged, this can cause plants to fall a lot more easily. It is also important to spot if roots are rotting, usually by checking if mushrooms are growing around the base or it’s leaves play here with poison ivy. These mushrooms can cause roots to break down.
Various dangers can come from gardening, yet you will never want to have a falling trunk on your hands. If your or neighbor’s trees overhanging your garden are posing a problem, then you will think of cutting them down as soon as possible. Now that you’ve read our article, you’ll be well informed on what to do to protect your home. Remember, it is best to get a professional to do the job for you.
In your opinion, how high can trees be in a garden? Tell us in the comments section below.
Alex Green has won many awards for writing and journalism. He is a frequent contributor to a large number of websites on botany and DIY. In his spare time, Alex loves to take his telescope out into the garden and look at various stars at night.
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