Silver Wormwood Quick Growing Guide
Salicyna, CC BY-SA 4.0
Silver Wormwood attracts many pollinators and is one of the host plants for the American Lady and Painted Lady butterflies. It is a fragrant, silvery-white shrub-like perennial with woolly grey or white hairs on the stems and leaves. Its flowers are nodding clusters of yellowish flowers that bloom throughout the summer.
This plant spreads via rhizomes and/or self-seeding and has the potential to become invasive. It has the potential to spread, so consider utilising soil barriers in locations where you do not want it to naturalise. Because of its versatility and proclivity to spread, it is an excellent choice for a low-maintenance, knee-to waist-high groundcover.
Quick Growing Guide
Botanical Name: Artemisia ludoviciana
Also Called: Silver Sage; White Sage; White Sagebrush; Prairie Sage
En français: Armoise de l’Ouest
See More Plants in this Botanical Family:
Sun / Shade:
Water: Medium, Medium-Dry, Dry
It can be used as a striking accent plant for green-leaved plants.
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