Posts: Asteraceae

Ohio Goldenrod

Ohio Goldenrod

Ohio Goldenrod (Solidago ohioensis) has a compact form that belies its large, exuberant floral display late in the season. It has flat-topped clusters of vivid yellow flowers, while lance-like leaves form a basal rosette. Seeds are produced with fluff, which is dispersed through the wind. Native Americans and early settlers used this plant to make…

Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

Pearly everlasting features tiny clusters of yellow flowers enclosed by white papery bracts, which look like petals, grace this beautiful wildflower in summer. There are separate male and female flowers, usually on separate plants, and they take on different gender-specific yellow or rust-yellow colors. This short wildflower makes a nice edge for your garden or…

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed

Eutrochium maculatum, sometimes known as Joe Pye Weed, is a stunning plant that grows tall with robust stems that rarely need to be anchored. It is excellent for establishing views in the garden. The purple-speckled stems match the dusty rose-colored blooms, which appear from July to early October. Because it self-produces and ‘travels’ effectively, it…

Common Sneezeweed

Common Sneezeweed

Common Sneezeweed looks gorgeous when planted en masse and mixes wonderfully with decorative grasses or other perennial plants. It has daisy-like blooms that often attract bees and butterflies. Their blooms have characteristic wedge-shaped, brilliant yellow rays and conspicuous, dome-like, yellow centre discs. The three-lobed petals of all sneezeweeds differentiate them from Rudbeckia and other yellow…

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