
  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Keystone Plants Shrubs Ecoregion 5

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. “Restoring viable habitat within the humandominated landscapes that separate habitat fragments – with as…

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  • A very dense growth of pink peonies

    How to Care for Peonies

    The several dozen species of peonies that are grown mostly by enthusiasts, specialists and researchers are often reproduced by seeds. Seeds are occasionally employed…

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  • Bright red poinsettia flowers and petals

    The Beauty of the Poinsettia Plant

    Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, is distinguished by having a single female flower that lacks petals and frequently has sepals. Separate male flowers surround the sepals,…

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  • Yellow Forsythia plant in bloom

    Spring Care for Forsythia, Daphne and Rose Bushes

    Greetings fellow gardeners  Life has been changing and moving along like a roller-coaster. My basement still hums with a dehumidifier-fan, and I am hoping…

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  • Close up of person gardening

    Renovating Your Garden on a Budget

    Renovating your garden on a budget can bring a fresh new look to your outdoor space and create a relaxing and inviting environment. Having…

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  • Tatarian Dogwood with its red bark

    10 Trees and Shrubs with Colorful Bark

    By Patricia Mosher While our gardens are snoozing this month, it’s easy to forget that bark, (yes, bark!), can add colour and texture to…

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  • Showing the red bark of the red osier dogwaood

    January Plant of the Month: Red Osier Dogwood

    This hardy, ornamental shrub is my plant choice for January as it can be depended upon to deliver vibrant red colour to the winter…

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  • Bird in statioanry flight taing a berry from tree

    10 Shrubs with Berries for Fall and Winter Bird Treats

    Berries are an irresistible treat for birds, particularly in winter when food is scarce. The fruits produced by these shrubs provide calories and crucial…

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  • A long row of Staghorn Sumac at Canadensis

    Staghorn Sumac Is Dioecious

    Staghorn Sumac puts on a startling display of color in the fall. It is a pleasing sight, especially in the fall, when the leaves…

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  • Wintergreen plant with leaves and fruit

    How to Grow and Care for Wintergreen

    The wintergreen shrub is accentuated with either gorgeous, white bell-shaped flowers or brilliant, pinkish-red berries, depending on the season.  Beautiful, fragrant wintergreen has evergreen…

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  • Close up of Saskatoon berry red round fruits on green leaves

    Saskatoon Berry Bush Adapts

    The Saskatoon Berry Bush is a woody, perennial shrub that can yield fruit and adapt to a variety of soil types and climatic conditions.…

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  • Blackberry bush, leaves, and fruit

    Blackberry is Easy to Grow

    Blackberry bush is the plant for you if you are searching for simple fruit to grow in limited space. In many areas, these sweet-tasting…

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  • Glory of the Snow with its blue flowers

    10 Fabulous Bulbs to Plant in the Fall 

    It’s time to set the stage for brilliant spring color by choosing bulbs to plant in the fall to enjoy in your beds, borders, and…

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  • A red burning bush or Euonymous alatus

    Plant of the month: Burning Bush

    Gardeners who covet a crimson crush of color in October should look no further than a burning bush, Euonymous alatus. Almost any garden site…

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  • A fully mature Swamp White Oak

    On Trees around Eastern Ontario

    By Owen Clarkin, Ottawa Field Naturalist Club. All photos courtesy of Owen. One particularly interesting story from this summer is a population of apparently…

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  • Gardenia plant with a dozen white flowers

    Gardenia Varieties

    Gardenia varieties are striking and fragrant flowering plants in the Rubiaceae, or the coffee madder family. It is a genus native to various regions…

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  • White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster is a bushy, compact plant with many branched stems smothered in sprays of small, daisy-like white flowers. These sprays are so…

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  • Bright red poinsettia flowers and petals

    The Beauty of the Poinsettia Plant

    Poinsettia ( a member of the Euphorbiaceae botanical family) is distinguished by having a single female flower that lacks petals and frequently sepals. These…

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  • chokeberry fruit on their stem

    Chokeberry is a Desirable Shrub

    Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) produces fantastic fruit and it is easy to grow. This berry bush provides a second pleasure: It is an ornamental beauty…

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  • Rhodora plant flower and leaf


    Rhodora is a thin, erect-branched shrub that seldom grows taller than 3-4 feet. This small northern shrub has stunning blooms that appear before or…

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  • A clump of silver wormwood plants

    Silver Wormwood Quick Growing Guide

    Silver Wormwood attracts many pollinators and is one of the host plants for the American Lady and Painted Lady butterflies. It is a fragrant,…

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  • Twin Flower plant and leaf

    Twin Flower is Charming Groundcover

    Twin flower is a charming evergreen creeping vine that forms large mats in moist, shady woods. Its sweet-smelling blooms attract bees. After the flowers…

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  • Common Boneset plant, leaf an flower

    Common Boneset Care and Use

    Native to the marshes of North America, common boneset has a long history of use as a medicine and a lovely, recognizable appearance. It…

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  • Grey Dogwood leaf and flowers

    Grey Dogwood Care and Use

    Grey dogwood is a hardy, low-maintenance shrub that provides subdued beauty all year round. Around June, white flower panicles enliven the surroundings. In the…

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