How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name, would not be as alluring to gardeners. Gardeners have sought real forget-me-not blossoms for millennia. Perhaps we adore the forget-me-little not’s blue blossoms because they remind us of childhood gardens or those of a beloved mother or grandmother. Forget-me-nots are water-loving plants that aren’t very spectacular or eye-catching; rather, their allure is their daintiness and lovely, heavenly colour.

Forget Me Nots Flower as Annuals or Perennials

These plants may be cultivated as annuals or perennials, although they perform best as biennials in most regions. They can be grown as perennials in hardiness zones 3 to 8. Although Forget-me-not flowers bloom little during their first season of development, they blossom profusely in their second spring. This leads to people purchasing year old plants as annuals. These lovely blooms bloom from mid spring till mid summer and then go dormant for the winter.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Myosotis sylvatica

Genus: Myosotis

En français: Myosotis des bois



Water: Likes consistently moist soil


Hardiness Zones:

Forget-me-nots are excellent floral presents, that can be purchased from florists. Others utilize online flower providers to express their feelings to moms on Mother’s Day. Forget me not flowers are also used as a funeral flower and florist items. Plants frequently reseed on their own if they are carefully maintained and return every year.

What Are Forget Me Nots?

Forget-me-nots are a group of about 50 species in the genus Myosotis (Mye-oh-soh-tiss) which is part of the Boraginacae family. [source] Most have racemes of small, flat, bright blue flowers (some varieties of white and pink), with five petals growing thickly on their stems. Myosotis is a Greek name meaning “mouse-ear” and was given to the plant because of the shape of the small leaves. Both the annual and perennial are native to Eurasia.

The biennial variety, Myosotis sylvatica (sil-vat-ik-uh) stop flowering and set seeds with the arrival of summer heat. Small seedlings appear unobtrusively in fall and bloom profusely on the following spring. The biennial variety Myosotis scorpioides (skorp-ee-oyd-eez) thrives very well in boggy locations.The perennial varieties do not put on as impressive flower show as their biennial cousins. However, they tend to flower for a longer season, usually starting from spring through summer.

Myosotis alpestris is the most popular and considered by many preferable to the perennial. This annual is dwarf, growing to 9 inches, with pink, blue or white flowers. The blooms of perennial Myosotis palustris are blue with yellow, pink or white centers. This type has narrow leaves and grows somewhat taller.

When and Where To Plant The Forget Me Not Flower

These forget-me-nots are excellent in a rock garden, as a carpet around spring and summer flowering bulbs, and in the foreground of borders. The Forget-me-nots will thrive in areas with filtered to moderate shade and wet soil. The native habitat of the wild Forget-me-not is near stream and creek bottoms in several inches of water. Look for a spot that is low and simple to maintain damp.

Myosotis alpestris needs a sunny, well-drained location while the perennial Myosotis palustris, frequently called the “marsh” forget-me-not, prefers moist soil and a semi-shaded location.

True forget-me-nots can be planted in the spring or fall, or plants can be grown from seeds seeded in the spring and summer. Although you may appreciate forge me not flowers, keep in mind that they self-seed freely and spread fast.

How To Plant Forget Me Not Seeds

Forget-me-nots self-seed readily, making seed acquisition simple. Before sowing seed, amend planting beds with organic material such as compost or manure. After all risk of frost has passed, sow seeds of forget-me-nots, which take 8 to 14 days to germinate, immediately into prepared flowerbeds. If you want your plants to blossom earlier, start them indoors a few weeks before the last frost. When planting in outdoor flowerbeds, cover with mulch until the seeds germinate. The mulch will aid with moisture retention and weed suppression.

Propagating From Established Plants

Forget-me-nots can easily be propagated by dividing clumps of the established plants.

How To Care For Forget Me Not Plants

Keep Soil Moist

Forget-me-nots love moist soil. Never allow to dry out. Watering with a Soaker hose or drip irrigation make the watering process simple.

Fertilizer Forget Me Nots

Apply slow releasing balanced all-purpose granular fertilizer at least once per season. Early spring is the ideal time. Avoid over fertilizing. Use the recommended application rate.

Pruning & Shaping Forget-Me-Not Plants

Generally, these plants are ground cover plants. Pruning and shaping can be difficult. Control their growth by removing them in places where they are not supposed to extend and shape them into your desired landscape bed designs.

Controlling Pest and Diseases

Overall diseases and insects are not too common. In some cases, aphids tend to affect new foliage growth. Control aphids with applications of insecticidal soap sprays. Keep an eye out for Flea beetles which often infest Forget me nots and puncture the leaves. Learn more in our article: How To Control Flea Beetles.

Forget-me-nots create offer a soft beauty to gardens. They are easy to maintain and do well when planted them in rich soil and kept well watered.

Legends Of The Forget Me Not Flower

For decades, these small blue blossoms have been treasured and remembered. This is supported by the various stories. Legends have survived and been passed down across many different countries.

One of the earliest and most delightful of these legends comes from Wales, an unusual source for such tales. In that country in the mountains of Glamorgan, fairy gold was hidden so goes the story. On the mountainside nearby grew a carpet of bluest forget-me-nots, dainty and ethereal. Evil men heard rumours of the elfin gold and decided to steal it. They took no notice of the heavenly blue of the flowers close by. As they were carrying off the treasure a sweet elflin voice spoke to them from one of the little blue flowers. “You have taken the least and left the best. Forget-me-not.” The men paid no attention and were about to disappear with the loot, regardless. This angered the mountains and they shook their sides, swallowing up both men and gold. The forget-me-nots, too, were covered for a time but soon thrust their way up and up to deck the mountain slopes once again covered them with blue. There they continue to grow and bloom. Passers-by whose ears are attuned to the “little voices” hear them calling from the mountainside again and again, “Forget-me-not… Forget-me-not.”

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