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7 Calming Teas and Herbs For Anxiety
There are several herbs and remedial plants noted for their ability to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, all while promoting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, many teas and herbs provide other benefits. For example, in addition to reducing anxiety and improving sleep, chamomile tea and green tea can lower blood pressure, lead better skin and teeth, reduce mouth sores, skin infections, pain relief, and improved digestion.
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What affects our nervous system?
The nervous system is the center for our actions, both voluntary and involuntary. Items which negatively affect our nervous system include:
- Lack of sleep
- Improper diet
- Hanging onto past traumas
- Toxic people
- Skipping meals
- Smoking and alcohol consumption
- Aggression
- Indulging in anxious thoughts
What teas and herbs reduce stress and anxiety?
Healthy and natural herbs and teas are available to help counter these negative effects. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans began using many of these herbs and teas thousands of years ago.
Lemon balm for anxiety
Lemon balm aids and protect the human body. Associated with calming effects, this herb has a soothing aroma. Its therapeutic properties may have an incredible impact on certain neurotic disorders like anxiety, depression, panic attacks, etc.
The potential qualities of this herb include relief from stress, insomnia, indigestion, restlessness, and pain. To benefit from this herbal plant, you can prepare a decoction by simmering some lemon balm leaves with water.
Rhodiola for calmness
Rhodiola, also known as golden root, arctic root and rose root, is a Siberian plant. The chemicals found in rhodiola’s roots stimulate neurotransmitters in the brain. It can boost the activity of neurons, thereby decreasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Rhodiola combats stress, mental and physical fatigue, depression and other cognitive disabilities.
Taken rhodiola as a health supplement. Research it well because it has been know to have side effects.
Chamomile tea for sleep
Chamomile tea is a perfect herb to reduce anxiety and for those seeking out peaceful sleep. In addition, various studies have concluded that it reduces moderate to severe symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The petals are a herbal remedy to calm restlessness and anxiety. To benefit from the relaxing properties of this herb, you can brew a tea of its dried petals. It will soothe your mind and put you to a soundless sleep, thereby healing your nervous system.
In addition to reducing anxiety, other health benefits of chamomile tea include decreasing skin irritation, improving wound healing, pain relief, reducing inflammation and reducing gastrointestinal upset.
Green Tea for anxiety
In addition to reducing anxiety, green tea has a number of health benefits. These include increasing metabolism and helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It has natural antioxidants and flavonoid, and high in L-theanine, which increases feelings of calm and relaxation.
One 2017 study found that students who drank green tea experienced consistently lower levels of stress and anxiety than students in the placebo group. Green tea is also helps improve focus, since the combined L-theanine and caffeine in the drink help with this, according to a 2010 studyTrusted Source.
Passion flower for calmness
Like other mentioned herbs, passion flower calms the nervous system. Its therapeutic nature is a remedy for anxiety, loss of concentration, and even pain. Consuming it might impact and regulate neurotransmitters concerned with relaxation and sleep.
Passion flower is a natural way to induce sleep. The sedative properties of this herb are remarkable. Its dried form is easily available, and you can find its health supplement, too.
Cannabidiol (CBD) as an antidepressant
The isolated compound from a plant, CBD, is associated with various body functions. Its unique ability to modify the endocannabinoid receptor system is the primary action of this compound. It is why this chemical tends to stimulate the nervous system.
Naturally present in the cannabis species, this chemical compound is not psychotropic. Its expected qualities are anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, pain-relieving, and other remedial effects. You can consume this CBD oil sleep tincture for anxiety, tincture, gummies, and other health supplements.
Lavender for healing
A beautiful herb, lavender has numerous curative and healing properties. Its fragrance has a characteristic calming aroma. It targets the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby releasing neurotransmitters to relieve stress and promote sedation.
Can calming herbs take over medication?
Scientific advancements have reached heights that we could not have imagined. Although there are new discoveries every day, natural remedies hold their place in the medical picture.
Natural herbs are a safe way to prevent severe diseases. Not only are they effective, but they also have less intense side effects. However, these remedies should be a lifestyle choice. In case of emergency, one should always consult a specialist when going through nervous disorders.
Nature has a way to help humankind unearth the phenomenal resources that prove to be an exceptional discovery. Although we try to remain physically fit, mental health should be prioritized. Tense circumstances might adversely affect our neurons which are responsible for transferring nerve impulses.
Herbs provide calmness and soothe the body to attain relaxation. They possess the ability to restore healthy functionality and synchronization throughout the body’s system. Apart from the herbs mentioned above, various others have impeccable advantages. The wisdom is in knowing how to benefit from them positively.
Sierra Herscovitch
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