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Growing amd Caring for plants involves providing them with the right conditions to thrive, which includes attention to watering, light, soil, temperature, and occasionally pruning or fertilizing.

By consistently providing appropriate care and attention, you can help your plants thrive and enjoy the beauty and benefits they bring to your home or garden.

Gardenia Varieties: Growing and Caring for Plants

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  • Gardenia plant with a dozen white flowers

    Gardenia Varieties

    Gardenia varieties are striking and fragrant flowering plants in the Rubiaceae, or the coffee madder family. It is a genus native to various regions…

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  • Bottle gentian flower and leaves in a wildgarden

    Bottle Gentian is a Garden Darling!

    Bottle Gentian is, with its dark blue closed flower, among the finest perennials to grace the garden in late summer. Bottle gentian has bottle-like…

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  • Sqarrose goldenrod flower

    Squarrose Goldenrod

    Solidago squarrosa may be the most distinctive species of the goldenrods. As a perennial herb, it can reach a height of 190 cm (6…

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  • Green and Gray Bird Perching on Aloe Vera Plant

    Dividing Aloe for Propagation

    Dividing aloe into several smaller ones is a great way to propagate new plants. More aloe vera plants, for example, will allow you to…

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  • Stiff goldenrod plants in a field

    Stiff Goldenrod

    Stiff Goldenrod is a good choice for prairie gardens, cottage gardens and pollinator gardens. It is a resilient, self seeds and you might need…

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  • Aloe Vera plants in the ground

    Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe Vera, a popular cactus-like succulent, is one of the most useful medicinal plants and is very easy to grow.

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  • Gorgeous yellow and orange heleniu

    5 Colourful Fall Flowers for an Easy Care Autumn 

    Colorful fall flowers for an easy-care autumn garden can brighten your day. Why should summer have all vibrant blooms!   And what better way…

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  • Early Goldenrod with pollinator on its yeallow flowers

    Early Goldenrod

    Early Goldenrod, also known as Solidago juncea, is a herbaceous perennial wildflower of the family Asteraceae. Once started, it requires little maintenance and grows…

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  • Hoary Vervain

    Hoary Vervain

    The hoary vervain, or Verbena stricta, is a type of herbaceous plant falling under the Verbenaceae family. The flowering plant is most commonly found…

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  • White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster is a bushy, compact plant with many branched stems smothered in sprays of small, daisy-like white flowers. These sprays are so…

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  • Lysimachia quadrifolia or Four-Flowered Yellow Loosestrife

    Four-Flowered Yellow Loosestrife

    The four-flower yellow loosestrife, or Lysimachia quadrifolia, is a species of herbaceous plant in the Primulaceae family. It is indigenous to Canada and the…

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  • Aloe vera in nature with orange red flowers

    Do Aloe Plants Flower?

    Over 500 species of succulent flowering plants belong to the genus Aloe. Houses, apartments, businesses, and other interior locations frequently have aloe plants. The…

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  • The yellow flowering stem of an Ohio GoldenRod

    Ohio Goldenrod

    Ohio Goldenrod (Solidago ohioensis) has a compact form that belies its large, exuberant floral display late in the season. It has flat-topped clusters of…

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  • Six bright purple slender blazing star flowers

    Slender Blazing Star

    Slender Blazing Star is an upright, clump-forming perennial with fluffy, purple flowers that bloom in late summer. It is best to plant it with…

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  • chokeberry fruit on their stem

    Chokeberry is a Desirable Shrub

    Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) produces fantastic fruit and it is easy to grow. This berry bush provides a second pleasure: It is an ornamental beauty…

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  • Top view of false solomon's seal plant with white flower

    False Solomon’s Seal

    False Solomon’s Seal boasts beautiful white blossoms, scarlet fruit, and fragrant petals. It is native throughout North America. It grows from 30 to 75…

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  • Maianthemum stellatum with 4 white flowers

    Starry False Solomon’s Seal

    Starry False Solomon’s Seal has attractive foilage, flowers, and berries that form a dense groundcover once established. The narrow oval-shaped leaves are about 3-12…

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  • a full Blue Cohosh plant

    Blue Cohosh

    Blue Cohosh is well-known for its effects as a female health supplement. Native Americans employed roots and flowers as herbal medicine to cure a…

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  • Monarch butterfly on rough blazing star

    Rough Blazing Star Attracts Pollinators

    Rough Blazing Star features fluffy, deep rose-purple flowers arranged in 1″ button-like heads. Blooming begins, as one would assume, at the top of the…

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  • A small patch of Nodding Onion in a hillside

    Nodding Onion Can Put On a Show

    The Nodding Onion is famous for its blossoms’ unusual orientation: pointing downward, “nodding” towards the earth. Each hooked stem has pom-poms of star-shaped blooms…

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  • A dozen colorful tick seed coreopsis

    Lanceleaf Tickseed Coreopsis

    Lanceleaf Tickseed is popular and ideal for the garden, outdoor pots and containers. It has bright yellow spring daisy-like blooms that bloom from spring…

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  • A flowering hosta by a tree trunk

    Hostas and other Shady Characters!

    Hostas are lush, leafy perennials that generally thrive in shade to part sun. They are sought after for their leaves, and their ability to…

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  • A small grove of bee balm wild bergamot plants and purple flowers

    Wild Bergamot

    Wild Bergamot has rich globular heads of fragrant lilac-purple tubular blooms. The flower heads perch on a whorl of beautiful, pinkish bracts and bloom…

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  • A cluster of pearly everlasting yellow flowers with white petals

    Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

    Pearly everlasting features tiny clusters of yellow flowers enclosed by white papery bracts, which look like petals, grace this beautiful wildflower in summer. There…

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