Posts: Blue

How To Grow Forget-Me-Not Flower

How To Grow Forget-Me-Not Flower

The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name would not be so sweet to gardeners, nor would the other numerous little blue forget me not flowers affectionately given the same name by their admirers.
True forget-me-not flowers have been prized by gardeners for generations.
Perhaps the little blue flowers of the forget-me-not are cherished because they are reminiscent of gardens of the long ago childhood gardens, or those of a beloved mother or grandmother.

Culver’s Root is a Hardy Perennial

Culver’s Root is a Hardy Perennial

Veronicastrum virginicum, also known as Culver’s Root, is a tall, hardy perennial with lovely whorled leaves. In the early and middle summer, the plants are topped with prickly racemes that are densely packed with small tubular white florets. The inflorescences have many branches that resemble a beautiful candelabra. Prairies, damp meadows, and open forests are…

Blue Vervain

Blue Vervain

Blue vervain, or American vervain, is a hardy and drought-tolerant plant native to North America. It is a traditionally important plant, widely distributed in almost every state in the USA and a few provinces in Canada. Moist prairies and damp thickets are its main habitats. It is a type of perennial herbaceous plant falling under…

Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh is well-known for its effects as a female health supplement. Native Americans employed roots and flowers as herbal medicine to cure a variety of diseases and as a general tonic. Blue cohosh is thought to have actions comparable to those of the hormone oestrogen. It is a lovely wildflower with distinctive spherical blue…

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus), a popular garden addition, is frequently planted to provide a burst of late-season colour after other trees and shrubs have finished blooming. Hibiscus Syriacus is a traditional choice for landscape focal points. This plant makes an excellent specimen, foundation, or border plant. This is ideal for larger patio containers. Rose…

How to Grow Highbush Blueberries
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How to Grow Highbush Blueberries

Highbush blueberries are a common fruit grown in home gardens that can be used fresh or frozen. Blueberry bushes are long-lived plants with a lifespan similar to that of fruit trees. The berries are versatile and can be enjoyed fresh, used in desserts, or stored by canning or freezing. In addition, the plants provide ornamental…

Dog Violet

Dog Violet

Dog Violet (Viola conspersa) is common in fields and pastures. It can be used as ground cover. The plants are only 2-4 cm tall in the spring, but they grow taller later in the summer. It has hairless leaves. The basal leaves are round or kidney-shaped, with rounded tips and fine rounded marginal teeth; the…

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