How To Grow Mushrooms From Scratch

How To Grow Mushrooms From Scratch

Many people are becoming interested in growing mushrooms for personal consumption. Mushrooms are growing in popularity because they’re excellent sources of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and selenium. You can find them in many recipes for various kinds of diets such as low-calorie and vegan.  Mushrooms are also easy to grow. This article will discuss how to plant or inoculate mushrooms.  Learn The…

Deal With Heat Stress in Weed Plants

Deal With Heat Stress in Weed Plants

Are you wondering why your marijuana plants are turning brown? Heat stress in weed can cause discoloration and other adverse effects.  How do you resolve this issue and ensure your crops are healthy? Plant White Widow feminized  seeds or similar strains that are heat and disease-resistant.  Understanding the causes of the condition and how…

Eastern White Pine Uses

Eastern White Pine Uses

White pine uses include the sensation of opening the lungs, throat, and sinuses, leading to a feeling of warmth, comfort, and stimulation. Eastern White pine, scientifically named Pinus strobus, is a tall and mighty conifer tree falling under the Pinaceae family. Also known as the soft pine, this species is native to eastern North American…

Gardenia plant with a dozen white flowers

Gardenia Varieties

Gardenia varieties are striking and fragrant flowering plants in the Rubiaceae, or the coffee madder family. It is a genus native to various regions around the globe, including the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Learn more on how to care for gardenia. The plant’s name was assigned in…

How to Dry Herbs

How to Dry Herbs

While freshly picked herbs produce the best flavours, there is always an abundance that cannot be used in a single season. The next best thing is to dry your herbs! Dried herbs can be used for a variety of purposes, including flavouring recipes and creating a fragrant fire starter. Drying your herbs is a simple…

Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies
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Plants that Attract Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are superb pollinators, and if they are fed plants they enjoy, they will pollinate your entire garden. Butterflies require two kinds of plants to survive: host plants and food plants. Plant a monarch butterfly garden because their populations have been progressively dropping in recent decades, mostly due to habitat loss and pesticide usage….

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