Articles by Master Gardeners

We are thrilled to feature a selection of quality articles authored by accredited Master Gardeners.

  • a chickdee eating seeds from a hand

    Gardening for Birds: Planting for Black-capped Chickadees

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Frequent visitors to my backyard garden are the curious little black-capped chickadees. They are…

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  • Three sparrows sitting on a rustic fence

    Gardening for Birds: Planting for Sparrows

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Many different species of sparrows visit my backyard garden, no matter the season. Sparrow…

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  • Growing Ginger Root

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Testing the boundaries of what can be grown in Ottawa, Canadian climate Zone 5a,…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Freezing Seasonal Produce

    Author: Rebecca Last,  Gardening at Last and Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Published with permission This was an amazing year for tomatoes. My small garden…

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  • male cardinal on tree branch in a winter scene

    A Winter Garden for Birds

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission My bird feeders are a source of life in the stillness of winter. From…

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  • A stricking coleus with geraniums companion plant

    Preparing the Garden for Fall and Winter

    There are people who thoroughly wash their bulbs and tubers before storing them. I let mine dry with a small bit of dirt around…

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  • Art in the Garden at Kiwi Gardens

    The cool thing about these sculptures was that many of them would move with the wind. Lots of ideas for art in my own…

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  • Plants in soil as spring vegetable suggestions

    In the Garden, I Never Rush Spring

    In the garden, I never rush the spring. Be aware that all sorts of plant offerings will appear very soon and it is much…

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  • A research scientist taking apart the bee hotel

    Bee Hotel Research

    Judith makes observations, including on bee and wasp diversity, as part of research done by a PhD student, as the bee hotel is dismantled…

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  • Capsicum annuum cubanelle pepper growing on its plant

    Cubanelle pepper

    Cubanelle pepper, beautiful, sweet, from the species Capsicum annuum, is almost ready to pick. It has gone through some tough times with chipmunks digging in…

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  • Zucchini with yellowing leaves as a sing of magniesium deficiency

    Magnesium Deficiency In Plants

    Magnesium deficiency in plants can be identified most commonly by yellowing leaves while the veins remain green. The lower leaves usually turn yellow first.…

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  • Daisies as companion plants for vegetables, they attract pollinators

    Putting Houseplants Outside

    Many of your houseplants would love a little summer vacation outside. I recommend that you avoid direct sunlight however because too much full sun…

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  • Spike mats for garden

    Spike Mats Solution To Plants Being Dug Up

    The spike mats worked to keep the chipmunks away. The areas where I had put spike mats were not touched, so that was encouraging.…

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  • Six mason jars of rhubarb and orange jam in

    Homemade Rhubard and Orange Jam Recipe

    I found a great recipe for rhubarb-orange jam, and it is truly delicious. I picked the rhubarb and checked the fridge and found some oranges.…

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  • Pea seeds in pots and containers growing in a greenhouse

    Planting Peas from Seed

    Pea seeds are also placed in cardboard tubes, which keep them safe even after they’ve been planted out. Greetings fellow gardeners,   Bee and…

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  • A young girl and boy with a happy family dog

    Dog in the Garden

    A dog in your garden is a special balancing act. I loved having a dog in the garden. I would take time to talk…

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  • Green Cactus in Blue and White Pot

    On the Importance of Gardening Exercises

    I would encourage you to start preparing yourself physically right now for the gardening season, to consider the importance of gardening exercises. Greetings fellow…

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  • Microgreens growing in a clear plastic container

    Growing Microgreens from Seed

    Growing microgreens from seeds does not require a fancy set-up. A disposable plastic food tray will be fine as long as you poke drainage…

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  • Breakfast with blood orange marmalade

    Blood Orange Marmalade

    I thought the Blood Orange Marmalade would be a fascinating one to try and a way to pave the way to making Seville Orange…

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  • 2 pieces of vegan carrot spice cake

    Vegan Carrot Spice Cake

    The carrots I buy are not all the same size and some are a little twisty, but they taste great. I just finished baking…

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  • lettuce cuttings growing in water

    Rooting in Water

    I can take a cutting and put it in water where it will root and then I can plant it. It will be interesting…

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  • Lettuce growing in a small container by the sink

    Vegetable Soup and Stock

    Put lettuce stumps in water to watch them grow. You can do this with almost all of your vegetables. Use them for vegetable soup…

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  • A bumblebee approaching light purple colored flower

    Bumblebees and Seeds

    I never realized how much I did not know about bumblebees. And, this week I started going through the seeds that I collected and…

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  • A cleaned up and made over indoor garden

    Building a Seed Growing Light Stand

    You can construct a seed growing light stand or modify an inexpensive shelving unit. You will need to take into account a few factors:…

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