Articles by Master Gardeners

We are thrilled to feature a selection of quality articles authored by accredited Master Gardeners.

  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    Starting Seeds in August

    The weather continues to lurch to extremes! Humidity, high heat, and torrential rains. A big test for our gardens. It can be disheartening to…

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  • A hand reachng out to flowers in a soft light

    Please Touch the Plants: The Sense of Touch in the Garden

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardener of Ottawa Carleton Gardening is an active, hands-on pursuit where the gardener has her hands in the soil, feeling…

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  • Bright red nanking cherries in colander

    Fish Emulsion Fertilizer and Nanking Cherries

    This month has flown by, and life seems to be so very busy. It has been dreadfully hot and then there were torrential rains…

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  • Yogurt with strawberries and gooseberries in a bowl

    Fresh from the Garden: The Gardener’s Sense of Taste

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton One of the true joys of gardening is eating the vegetables, herbs, and fruits that you…

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  • Ornamentals and vegetables planted together

    Mixing it Up: Combining Edibles with Ornamentals

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Just a few decades ago, planting ornamental plants and food crops together would have been frowned upon…

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  • Gardening for Birds: Planting for Cedar Waxwings

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton One late winter day, just as the weather was turning mild, a large flock of cedar waxwings…

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  • Robin with big red seed in his beak

    Gardening for Birds: Planting for American Robins

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton The American robin, with its brick-red breast, yellow beak, and grey wings, is a much-loved harbinger of…

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  • Birds flying in a night sky silhoueted against an orange moon

    Light Pollution and the Importance of Darkness For Wildlife

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton As days become shorter, winter solstice approaches. Long shadows fall over the garden while many migratory birds…

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  • n Owl in. tree looking at us through rust colored leaves

    Gardening for Birds and Planting for Owls

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton That winter’s night when a snowy owl perched in the boughs of my old crabapple tree will…

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  • A piliated Woodpecher on a tree with tongue out of his beak

    Gardening for Birds: Planting for Woodpeckers

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Three species of woodpeckers visit my well-wooded, older suburb. Usually, they are most noticeable during mating season…

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  • A ladybug on a leaf

    The Amazing Life Cycle of the Aphid

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County Like every gardener I know, my garden has been visited – or should I say, attacked–…

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  • A glorious rock garden with a small stream running through it

    Water Wise Gardening

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; Why bother to save water? In my house, water bills are a big motivator. Like many…

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  • In Defence of Earwigs in Your Garden

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County Mention the word earwig to a group of gardeners, and you get a strong negative reaction.…

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  • A stricking coleus with geraniums companion plant

    Annuals: Why We Love Them and Tips for Success

    Author: Claire Leduc, Master Gardeners of Lanark County After months of winter and pandemic restrictions, gardeners will be eager to get outdoors and enjoy…

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  • A light brown Morning Dove on a wooden yard fence

    Gardening for Birds – Planting for Mourning Doves

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton If my bedroom window is open, one of the best ways to wake up on a summer…

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  • A bumblebee on a bright yellow sunflower

    Pollinator Tips for Summer Gardens

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Hot, lazy July days bring busy pollinators to visit our orchards, flower, and vegetable gardens. These small…

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  • Sense of Smell in the Garden

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. In this article, the first of a five-part series on the five senses in the garden, the…

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  • Bur Oak by a road side

    Keystone Plants Trees – Ecoregion Five

    Author: Adair Heuchan, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleto.. “Oaks support more forms of life and more fascinating interactions than any other tree genus in North…

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  • A hummingbird feeding on a red plant

    An Overview of Garden Plant Suggestions for Birds

    Julianne Labreche, Master Gardener, Ottawa-Carleton N= Native Plant Bird Friendly Shrubs and Small Trees Evergreen Trees for Birds Deciduous Trees for Birds Perennials for…

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  • Understanding Soil

    Author: Barbara Long, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. We begin our study of what lies beneath our feet by looking at the…

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  • Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Author: Nancy McDonald, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. If you are like me and grow lemon verbena, you now have a very…

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  • Small round garden table in an attractive garden landscape

    Gardening In Small Spaces

    Author: Andrea Knight, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton My husband and I have owned our home in Ottawa for over twenty years, giving me lots…

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  • A dozen or more glorius orange nasturtium flowers

    Edible Flowers You Can Grow

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Lanark County. Edible flowers have long been part of the cuisines of distinct cultures. Take, for example, squash…

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  • Getting a Head Start on the Summer Growing Season

    Author: Rob Stuart, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. Mid-March in Ottawa is usually the ideal time to start sowing seeds of annual…

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