Gray-black Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens)


Ric Chamblee



During this season, we have a large number of visitors at the Vallarta Botanical Garden from the winter territories of Canada and the United States. In the same way, we receive a large number of feathered traveler, (known as birds!) from those territories, who come in search of food and warmer temperatures. This is the case with our bird of the month for February: the Gray-black Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens).

While in Mexico, it inhabits coniferous and oak forests where it uses its excellent skills to hunt insects and their larvae. This species is characterized by having a yellow dot in front of the eye, which stands out from all its grayscale plumage and has a very particular buzzing song that you can hear here:

If you are lucky, you can find it in our garden this month, and don’t forget our Bird and Nature Festival. Let’s celebrate together the diversity of our resident and migratory birds!


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