

Eric Hunt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Bellwort is an excellent early-blooming native shade plant for the woodland garden, shaded border, wildflower garden, or naturalized area. It spreads slowly by rhizomes, so you can achieve a mass planting look under shade trees or along wood margins in a relatively short amount of time.

Bellwort is easily grown in average, well-drained soil in partial to full shade.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Uvularia perfoliata

En français: Uvulaire perfoliée



Water: Medium to wet

Hardiness Zones:

Bellwort leaf and yellow flower
Bellwort leaf and yellow flower

The Bellwort flowers and leaves have an overall droopy appearance when in bloom. However, after seeds are set, the leaves of Uvularia take on a different look, somewhat like a needle threading the stem through the leaves.

In nature, find it in deciduous woods and borders. It is a good choice for a wirldflower garden and shade garden. Companion plant suggestions include Trillium cuneatum, Mertensia virginica, Stylophorum diphyllum, Asarum canadense, Trillium luteum, and Polemonium reptans.


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