
  • White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster

    White Heath Aster is a bushy, compact plant with many branched stems smothered in sprays of small, daisy-like white flowers. These sprays are so…

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  • Lysimachia quadrifolia or Four-Flowered Yellow Loosestrife

    Four-Flowered Yellow Loosestrife

    The four-flower yellow loosestrife, or Lysimachia quadrifolia, is a species of herbaceous plant in the Primulaceae family. It is indigenous to Canada and the…

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  • The yellow flowering stem of an Ohio GoldenRod

    Ohio Goldenrod

    Ohio Goldenrod (Solidago ohioensis) has a compact form that belies its large, exuberant floral display late in the season. It has flat-topped clusters of…

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  • Six bright purple slender blazing star flowers

    Slender Blazing Star

    Slender Blazing Star is an upright, clump-forming perennial with fluffy, purple flowers that bloom in late summer. It is best to plant it with…

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  • Top view of false solomon's seal plant with white flower

    False Solomon’s Seal

    False Solomon’s Seal boasts beautiful white blossoms, scarlet fruit, and fragrant petals. It is native throughout North America. It grows from 30 to 75…

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  • Maianthemum stellatum with 4 white flowers

    Starry False Solomon’s Seal

    Starry False Solomon’s Seal has attractive foilage, flowers, and berries that form a dense groundcover once established. The narrow oval-shaped leaves are about 3-12…

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  • a full Blue Cohosh plant

    Blue Cohosh

    Blue Cohosh is well-known for its effects as a female health supplement. Native Americans employed roots and flowers as herbal medicine to cure a…

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  • Monarch butterfly on rough blazing star

    Rough Blazing Star Attracts Pollinators

    Rough Blazing Star features fluffy, deep rose-purple flowers arranged in 1″ button-like heads. Blooming begins, as one would assume, at the top of the…

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  • A small patch of Nodding Onion in a hillside

    Nodding Onion Can Put On a Show

    The Nodding Onion is famous for its blossoms’ unusual orientation: pointing downward, “nodding” towards the earth. Each hooked stem has pom-poms of star-shaped blooms…

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  • A small grove of bee balm wild bergamot plants and purple flowers

    Wild Bergamot

    Wild Bergamot has rich globular heads of fragrant lilac-purple tubular blooms. The flower heads perch on a whorl of beautiful, pinkish bracts and bloom…

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  • A cluster of pearly everlasting yellow flowers with white petals

    Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

    Pearly everlasting features tiny clusters of yellow flowers enclosed by white papery bracts, which look like petals, grace this beautiful wildflower in summer. There…

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  • A close up of Obedient plant flower

    Obedient Plant has Wonderful Flowers

    Obedient plant, true to its name, its flowers are “obedient” and can bend in any direction. The obedient plant is a flowering plant in…

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  • A patch of multicolored zinnia elgans flowers

    Zinnia Attract Pollinators

    Zinnias are beautiful flowers that are great for butterfly gardens. Its blooms can provide an explosion of colour in your landscape. It is easy…

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  • A patch of yellow goldenrod euthamia graminiflia

    Grass Leaved Goldenrod Adds Colour

    Grass-Leaved Goldenrod is a colourful upright perennial. The bright yellow plants are commonly seen on roadsides in rural areas, moist meadows, and sandy or…

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  • golden alexander yellow flowers with a butterfly feeding

    Golden Alexander Is an Early Bloomer

    Golden Alexander (Zizia aurea) is an important early source of pollen and nectar for newly emerging bees and other insects. It is an early spring…

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  • A garden mith many colourful flowers

    Colourful Flowers of My Morning Garden

    My colourful flowers were so beautiful. The Emily Carr rose that had such horrible winter damage is covered in deep red roses. One of…

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  • A patch of dahlia flowers and blooms in multiple colours

    Dahlias Store Energy in their Tubers

    Propagating Dahlias Dahlia plants store food and energy on their roots and underground stems called tubers. Oblivious individuals might even mistake these clumps of…

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  • Aquilegia canadensis on a cliff by water

    Red Columbine is a Wonderful Woodland Flower

    This beautiful woodland wildflower has showy, drooping, bell-like flowers that turn from red into yellow. Its lovely floral display, ease of growing, and overall…

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  • Red Cardinal Flower with a hummingbird feeding on it

    Cardinal Flower Attracts Pollinators

    Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a native herb that grows along riverbanks and is occasionally found in garden flower beds as a perennial. Cardinal…

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  • A field of sunflowers ready to seed

    Sunflowers are Nutritional, Long Summer Bloomers

    Sunflowers are versatile plants that provide a long summer bloom for the perennial border or cutting garden. They are also effective in a native…

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  • Common milkweed flower at its peak

    Common Milkweed Host Monarch Butterflies

    Milkweed, of which there are about 14 different types in Canada, is the only host plant for monarch butterflies. In summer, the female monarch…

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  • Monarch butterfly on a coneflower echinacea

    Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden

    Echinacea is an excellent flower to grow in a garden because its brilliant colours stand out against the green surroundings. They make an eye-catching…

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  • A hand inthe process of deadheading a rose

    Deadhead Flowers For More Flowers!

    Deadheading flowers is a very important job to do in the garden as it helps to increase the number of blooms on your plants.…

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  • A Red and Orange daylily

    Seven Easy Outdoor Plants for Everyone

    These seven easy outdoor plants will set you on your way to sprucing up that backyard in no time.  And they require very little…

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