Wild parsnip

  • Dep purple Bela Lugosi Daylily

    Zaatar Climbing Herb

    Zaatar is an interesting herb and kind of acts like a climbing sage. The leaves are good to eat fresh, and they are quite…

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  • Burdock burrs in spring

    Get rid of Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    While it is said to have medical benefits, I would not grow burdock as it is so invasive and difficult to control.  Greetings fellow…

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  • A collection of tomato seeds

    On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur

    I have been saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades. The raw seed going straight to a paper towel to dry works, but it…

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  • Swiss chard plant

    Swiss Chard Recipe

    The Swiss chard that is also growing in my cool weather planter is very ready to harvest. I have grown to love this vegetable.…

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  • Wild Parsnip invasive species

    Wild Parsnip Rash and Around the Vegetable Garden

    Sadly, I keep finding wild parsnip in and around the area and it is requiring a lot of my attention. I don’t like to…

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  • snowdrops and Daffodils nubbins jutting from the ground i the spring

    Veggie Bites – Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    I use this time of year to pull out burdock and wild parsnip plants. Their long tap roots have not developed the little hair-like…

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