
  • A long row of Staghorn Sumac at Canadensis

    Staghorn Sumac Is Dioecious

    Staghorn Sumac puts on a startling display of color in the fall. It is a pleasing sight, especially in the fall, when the leaves…

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  • Nasturtium Vinaigrette Ingredients

    Nasturtium Vinaigrette Recipe

    Today I am straining my nasturtium vinegar and making my Nasturtium Vinaigrette. I like to use basil as my herb, but really the herb…

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  • Zucchini with yellowing leaves as a sing of magniesium deficiency

    Magnesium Deficiency In Plants

    Magnesium deficiency in plants can be identified most commonly by yellowing leaves while the veins remain green. The lower leaves usually turn yellow first.…

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  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • An elegant serving of jelly with toast on a plate with a serving cup and spoon

    Pimentos, Beans and Red Pepper Jelly Recipe

    This week’s tour around the garden features Scarlett Runner beans, Pimentos and ends with a favourite Red Pepper Jelly recipe and some health benefits…

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  • A close up of the face and eyes of a wasp on white textile

    Wasp Removal: Issues and Natural Methods

    The need for wasp removal is directly proportional to how often they bother you. Or a wasp nest in a bad spot is “Wasp…

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  • A hand spreading fertilizer in the soil around a young plant

    10-10-10 Fertilizer: Use And Benefits

    If you’re unsure of your specific garden fertilizer needs, generally you’ll not go wrong applying 10-10-10 fertilizer an “all purpose complete fertilizer”, balanced for…

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  • Homemade salsa in jars

    Cucumber Companion Plant and Canned Salsa

    There is a lovely flower that I have started to grow as a cucumber companion plant that attracts a huge number of bees. I…

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  • A leafy area with pests on it's twigs

    19 Garden Pests and How To Treat Them

    Unfortunately, one of the most severe issues you will face off is the fight with pests. I will list you here some basic strategies…

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  • What is ‘Extra Virgin’: Demystifying Olive Oil

    Olive Oil has been produced for thousands of years. Originally, olive oil was used as lampante or lamp oil. Production was largely centralized to…

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  • A hand holding soap bubbles

    Homemade Insecticidal Soap Recipe Choices

    Did you know that home gardeners have been using homemade insecticidal soap for a long time? Fish-oil soap used to be the common solution…

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  • a row of young seedlings growing in a vegetable garden

    On Picking The Right Garden Fertilizer

    Most soil usually does not contain enough nutrients to help plants reach optimum performance and growth levels. Even the very best garden soil becomes…

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  • Is Cucumber A Fruit Or Vegetable?

    Here’s the deal! Did you ever ask yourself this question – “Is cucumber a fruit or a vegetable?” All fruits and veggies are very…

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  • Is Sooty Mold Connected To Honeydew?

    Sooty mold on plants you’ve seen it. The black soot formed on the upper leaf surfaces of plants. Sooty mold can be a real…

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  • Companion Plants For Tomatoes

    Some people believe in tomato companion plants and others think it is some old wives tale. Growing friendly plants together is said to help…

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  • 8 Ways On Killing Weeds Naturally

    Don’t you hate those garden weeds? Looking to rid your garden of those pesky weeds naturally? Tired of using chemical based products like Roundup…

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  • Plant, Grow, and Harvest Horseradish

    Horseradish root is exceptionally easy to grow, highly productive, and has a lot of other uses beyond making wasabi. It’s great for clearing sinuses.…

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