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The canna lily plant is a flamboyant summer flowering plant with a bold look. The plant grows from thick, fleshy bulbs. Canna is a…
Propagating Dahlias Dahlia plants store food and energy on their roots and underground stems called tubers. Oblivious individuals might even mistake these clumps of…
It’s easy to grow a Tiger Lily from bulbs, and their lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Offering vibrant…
When propagating cyclamens, remember that each propagation technique is not necessarily suitable for all types of cyclamens. Did you know that cyclamen plants come…
Cyclamen are beautiful, petite ornamentals that are beloved around the holidays. They are one of the world’s most popular potted plants, distinguished by their…
Monarch butterflies are superb pollinators, and if they are fed plants they enjoy, they will pollinate your entire garden. Butterflies require two kinds of…
Calla lily, also known as Zantedeschia aethiopica, belongs to the family of Araceae, a native to South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. This trumpet-shaped flower…
One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…
Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: the host plant and the food plant. Attracting butterflies to your garden takes more than just…
As part of winterizing the garden, I shook the red orach plants so that the seeds are scattered everywhere. Orach seeds easily and I…
I have been reading books on extending the growing season and now seems to be the perfect time to try an experiment with winter…
Here’s an easy to make Rosehip Jelly recipe. It is a tart, sweet jelly. There are many Rosehip uses and benefits, known to be…
A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…
Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested…
I decided that I wanted to try a bulb ‘lasagna’ planter. These planters are often featured on my favourite British gardening shows. I removed…
In this article, we will discuss a dozen of the top picks for creating a container garden that delivers a powerful visual impact.
You’ve heard that adding coffee grounds to your compost speeds decomposition and adds much-needed nitrogen to the compost. Coffee grounds are good for plants… gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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