On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur
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On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur

I have been saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades. The raw seed going straight to a paper towel to dry works, but it is a hassle getting the seed detached from the towel. Seeds with gel are really stuck to the paper towels. Greetings fellow gardeners,   This morning I woke up to the…

Gardenia Plant Problems

Gardenia Plant Problems

Summary: Below are a series of Gardenia problems homeowners may experience. Related: Brown tips on indoor plants Gardenia Leaves Turning Yellow The Gardenia plant (Gardenia jasminoides) produces fragrant flowers and handsome foliage making it a great addition to any garden. However, maintaining gardenias is not an easy task and mishandling would put it at risk…

Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside
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Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the fruits of gardens, but also the satisfying work that creates this bounty These basic general tips and reminders reflect only my personal approach and ideas about what is most important in…

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