
  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • Six mason jars of rhubarb and orange jam in

    Homemade Rhubard and Orange Jam Recipe

    I found a great recipe for rhubarb-orange jam, and it is truly delicious. I picked the rhubarb and checked the fridge and found some oranges.…

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  • Burdock burrs in spring

    Get rid of Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    While it is said to have medical benefits, I would not grow burdock as it is so invasive and difficult to control.  Greetings fellow…

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  • person showing green plant in garden

    Planning My Garden Layout

    There are several places in my garden that need a change. The tomatoes have been in the same area for a long time and…

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  • An elegant serving of jelly with toast on a plate with a serving cup and spoon

    Pimentos, Beans and Red Pepper Jelly Recipe

    This week’s tour around the garden features Scarlett Runner beans, Pimentos and ends with a favourite Red Pepper Jelly recipe and some health benefits…

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  • bunch of tomatoes and hybrid tomatoes

    Veggie Bites – Hybridized Tomato and Rhubarb

    They discovered that when Joan’s father saved the seed it started reverting and became its own type of tomato. If for example you use…

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  • A dozen peas plants growing tubes

    Veggie Bites – Experiment with Pea Seeds

    … I noticed that the experiment I had done with my pea seeds has been successful. As I continue to watch every gardening show…

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  • Veggie Bites – Seedlings and Potatoes

    I have planted up several tomato plants and there are other seedlings that would like to be potted up as well. In my case,…

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  • A proud chicken outside his coop

    Growing Your Garden with some Chickens

    If you own some of our known feathered friends, consider growing a garden with and for your chickens! It comes with great advantages for…

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  • Plant, Grow, and Harvest Horseradish

    Horseradish root is exceptionally easy to grow, highly productive, and has a lot of other uses beyond making wasabi. It’s great for clearing sinuses.…

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