
  • Crabapple tree with mystery blossoms

    Bringing Vegetables Outside

    While I am trying to encourage my vegetables to get started, I am still reluctant about bringing vegetables outside. I have succeeded with some,…

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  • Bright yellow gourd

    On Harvesting Pumpkins, Squash and Gourds

    If you are picking squash, remember to let them cure for about a week. To cure a squash, you pick it and place it on…

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  • two glass jars of rosehip Jelly near vase of flowers

    Rosehip Jelly Recipe and Uses

    Here’s an easy to make Rosehip Jelly recipe. It is a tart, sweet jelly. There are many Rosehip uses and benefits, known to be…

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  • yellow, red, and green fall leaves as a reminder for your fall gardening checklist

    Do You Have A Fall Gardening Checklist?

    A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…

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  • A line fo your plants in a raised garden bed

    Soil Calculator and Raised Garden Bed Basics

    It is imperative that soil contains vitamins, nutrients, and organic matter that can feed the plants, as well as give the roots plenty of…

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  • green and red plant on white wooden fence

    Veggie Bites – Head Start with Your Vegetable Garden

    If you want to get a head start on some of your more tender vegetables in your garden them, now is the time to…

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  • A leafy area with pests on it's twigs

    19 Garden Pests and How To Treat Them

    Unfortunately, one of the most severe issues you will face off is the fight with pests. I will list you here some basic strategies…

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  • green leafed seedlings in black plastic pots

    Soil and Seed Temperature Germination Chart

    How do tomato or lettuce seeds know when the temperature is right for germination? Well, this question will remain unanswered for now. We just…

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  • A container garden with Alliums, Anemone, Muscari, and Hyacinths seeds ready to be planted in layers

    Veggie Bites – Layered Bulb Planter, Container Garden

    I decided that I wanted to try a bulb ‘lasagna’ planter. These planters are often featured on my favourite British gardening shows. I removed…

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  • A proud chicken outside his coop

    Growing Your Garden with some Chickens

    If you own some of our known feathered friends, consider growing a garden with and for your chickens! It comes with great advantages for…

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  • A square foot vegetable garden with companion flower

    What is Square Foot Gardening?

    Square Foot Gardening divides the growing area of a raised garden bed into a grid in which crops are planted according to their mature…

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  • Dehydrated apricots emerging from an oven

    Dehydrator Recipes for Storing Food

    Dehydration is the best way to store food for the long-term. We scoured our favorite homesteading sites to find the best recipes for the…

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  • How To Preserve A Carved Pumpkin

    So you’ve carved your Halloween pumpkin, and it is a masterpiece! The question is now – “How do you preserve a carved pumpkin from…

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  • A striped cucumber beetle on a leaf

    Get Rid Of Striped, Spotted Cucumber Beetles

    The Cucumber beetle is a common pests throughout most of southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. Cucumber beetles spread plant disease and lay…

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  • Young plants growing through holes in garden sheeting

    How To Use Plastic Sheeting And Mulch In The Garden

    The use of plastic sheeting or mulch in the garden proves to be a useful tool for some garden crops. Many crops do well…

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  • Plant, Grow, and Harvest Horseradish

    Horseradish root is exceptionally easy to grow, highly productive, and has a lot of other uses beyond making wasabi. It’s great for clearing sinuses.…

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