
  • Dep purple Bela Lugosi Daylily

    Zaatar Climbing Herb

    Zaatar is an interesting herb and kind of acts like a climbing sage. The leaves are good to eat fresh, and they are quite…

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  • Burdock burrs in spring

    Get rid of Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    While it is said to have medical benefits, I would not grow burdock as it is so invasive and difficult to control.  Greetings fellow…

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  • yellow, red, and green fall leaves as a reminder for your fall gardening checklist

    Do You Have A Fall Gardening Checklist?

    A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…

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  • A collection of tomato seeds

    On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur

    I have been saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades. The raw seed going straight to a paper towel to dry works, but it…

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  • Homemade salsa in jars

    Cucumber Companion Plant and Canned Salsa

    There is a lovely flower that I have started to grow as a cucumber companion plant that attracts a huge number of bees. I…

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  • Swiss chard plant

    Swiss Chard Recipe

    The Swiss chard that is also growing in my cool weather planter is very ready to harvest. I have grown to love this vegetable.…

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  • A line fo your plants in a raised garden bed

    Soil Calculator and Raised Garden Bed Basics

    It is imperative that soil contains vitamins, nutrients, and organic matter that can feed the plants, as well as give the roots plenty of…

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  • Wild Parsnip invasive species

    Wild Parsnip Rash and Around the Vegetable Garden

    Sadly, I keep finding wild parsnip in and around the area and it is requiring a lot of my attention. I don’t like to…

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  • green leafed seedlings in black plastic pots

    Soil and Seed Temperature Germination Chart

    How do tomato or lettuce seeds know when the temperature is right for germination? Well, this question will remain unanswered for now. We just…

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  • snowdrops and Daffodils nubbins jutting from the ground i the spring

    Veggie Bites – Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    I use this time of year to pull out burdock and wild parsnip plants. Their long tap roots have not developed the little hair-like…

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  • A square foot vegetable garden with companion flower

    What is Square Foot Gardening?

    Square Foot Gardening divides the growing area of a raised garden bed into a grid in which crops are planted according to their mature…

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  • How To Grow Your Own Organic Celery

    Celery has a reputation as one of the most daunting vegetables to grow. In fact, many people like to grow it for the challenge…

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