Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested plants, attached to clothing, or by the wind through an open window. A few aphids can damage your garden, crops, and indoor plants. Consider, though, that aphids are also food for…

Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside
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Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the fruits of gardens, but also the satisfying work that creates this bounty These basic general tips and reminders reflect only my personal approach and ideas about what is most important in…

5 Ways Gardening Can Help Mental Health

5 Ways Gardening Can Help Mental Health

Gardeners intuitively know that gardening provides numerous mental health benefits such as reducing stress, bringing people close to nature, and offers quiet and alone time. However, some new evidence has shown that gardening and being outdoors can help recover from addiction and improve mental health.  When it comes to addiction treatment, gardening therapy is among the…

Veggie Bites – Microgreens
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Veggie Bites – Microgreens

Microgreens are basically the seedlings of edible vegetables like beets and kale, or herbs like basil or cilantro. Their popularity in the kitchen seemed to start in the eighties and now the few seedlings on offer have expanded to at least twenty-five. Microgreens are filled with nutrients along with concentrated, intense and unique flavours.  Greetings…

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