
  • A wild leek plant with a cear view of its leaves

    Wild Leek

    Wild leek are one of the earliest wild edible plants to emerge in spring. Historically, ramps were regarded as a spring tonic, and early…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Sources in Canada

    One of my dear friends found a seed resource and seed sources on Facebook. The woman who compiled this list has a wonderful page…

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  • Freshly grown and picked white and red garlic bulb

    How to Grow, Plant, Cure and Store Garlic

    This as your complete guide on growing garlic, including how to plant garlic, when to plant, plant care including watering, curing garlic and storing…

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  • green leafed seedlings in black plastic pots

    Soil and Seed Temperature Germination Chart

    How do tomato or lettuce seeds know when the temperature is right for germination? Well, this question will remain unanswered for now. We just…

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  • A square foot vegetable garden with companion flower

    What is Square Foot Gardening?

    Square Foot Gardening divides the growing area of a raised garden bed into a grid in which crops are planted according to their mature…

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  • A vegetable garden with tomatoes and cabbage, interspersed with many types of flowers

    Plants that Repel Insects and Pests

    Companion Plants that Repel Insect and Mammals Pests

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  • How To Grow Your Own Organic Celery

    Celery has a reputation as one of the most daunting vegetables to grow. In fact, many people like to grow it for the challenge…

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  • a row of railing planters with red and yellow flowers

    Railing Planters Bring Color To Outdoor Living

    Railing planters help fix one of the downsides of living in an apartment in a big city (or any city for that matter). The…

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  • On Self Watering – Sub Irrigation Planters.

    Self-watering planters or Sub-Irrigation planters (SIP) are the perfect choices for anyone wanting to take up container gardening. However, self-watering pots are ideally suited…

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