Gardenia Plant Problems

Gardenia Plant Problems

Summary: Below are a series of Gardenia problems homeowners may experience. Related: Brown tips on indoor plants Gardenia Leaves Turning Yellow The Gardenia plant (Gardenia jasminoides) produces fragrant flowers and handsome foliage making it a great addition to any garden. However, maintaining gardenias is not an easy task and mishandling would put it at risk…

Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside
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Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the fruits of gardens, but also the satisfying work that creates this bounty These basic general tips and reminders reflect only my personal approach and ideas about what is most important in…

5 Ways Gardening Can Help Mental Health

5 Ways Gardening Can Help Mental Health

Gardeners intuitively know that gardening provides numerous mental health benefits such as reducing stress, bringing people close to nature, and offers quiet and alone time. However, some new evidence has shown that gardening and being outdoors can help recover from addiction and improve mental health.  When it comes to addiction treatment, gardening therapy is among the…

What the Nose Knows – Understanding Aroma

What the Nose Knows – Understanding Aroma

Humans have been attracted to aromatic plants since the beginning of time. We use them for flavouring food, for scenting our homes and bodies, and even for ceremonial and religious purposes. Despite many time-honoured traditions and usages, little was known about the biological mechanisms of aroma until the 20th century, when researchers turned their attention…

How Proper Landscaping Can Prevent Basement Flooding

How Proper Landscaping Can Prevent Basement Flooding

A quality landscaping service will go beyond just the way the exterior of a property looks. Of course, this is the main reason people hire a landscaping service, however, a quality landscaping service will go above and beyond the outside, the work done on the outside will carry into the interior of a property, specifically the basement.

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