Hanging basket

  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • Christmas Fern in woods

    Christmas Fern

    The Christmas Fern got its name because it flowers in winter and stays green throughout the holidays. The fronds of this plant are up…

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  • A large mature Burro's tail garden at the

    Burro’s Tail Plant – How To Grow and Propagate

    These small, succulent plants native to most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, are popular as both landscape and container plants. In this article, we…

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  • A close up photo of a red Canna Lily flower

    Spectacular Annuals for Containers 

    Annuals for containers are great for novice gardeners or anyone who wants to add interest and colour to their porch or patio. The most…

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  • purple and white calibrachoa flowers in white ceramic vase

    How To Grow And Care For Calibrachoa – Million Bells

    You’ve seen the Calibrachoa, a tender perennial commonly known as “Million Bells.” You’ve enjoyed this plant in the nightshade family filling containers and baskets…

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  • Beautiful pink and purple fuchsia flowers on their plant

    How To Care For The Appealing Fuchsia Plant

    Our fuchsias of today still carry the original grace but the beautiful blooms are much larger and in showy colors.

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  • Pothos or Epipremnum aureum in a wicker pot

    Easy Care Pothos Plant

    The Pothos is one of the – “Best indoor plants for clean air.”

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  • Two women, a senior with potentially a daughter, pruning a plant in a beautiful backyard setting

    7 Gardening Projects that are Perfect for Seniors

    Whether you’re doing it indoors or outside, gardening is a pastime that offers lots of benefits to seniors.  Not only can fun gardening projects…

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  • a flower bed with for large stones, attractively set

    Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for the New Gardener

    As a new gardener, you’re likely dreaming of all of the things you could do with your landscaping. Maybe it’s a yard full of…

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  • A close up a a lavender garden

    On Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

    Many commercial mosquitoes and insect repellent contain harmful chemicals which are toxic to children and pets. We are providing you here most effective and…

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  • Delosperma echinatum pickle plant in a container

    How To Grow and Care for the Adorable Pickle Plant

    With its plump, little gherkin shaped leaves, Delosperma echinatum, also known as the Pickle Plant, is simply too cute for words. Come learn how to…

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  • Maintaining a small garden with trowel with earth in it

    Maximizing A Small Garden In Your New Home

    Making a small garden feel bigger can be a challenge but it’s not impossible. If you’ve just moved into a house with limited outdoor…

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  • How To Grow Succulent Plants Outdoors

    Dramatic, bizarre garden succulents lend themselves perfectly to the enhancing of contemporary architecture. Once banished to the rock garden, these plants are becoming more…

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  • A brown decorative container with white and purple flowers

    Benefits of Container Gardening

    Container gardening is the next big thing, and it allows you to create gorgeous garden arrangements with minimal effort, and a lot less money…

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  • Young boy with a trowel in a raised garden bed

    12 Essential Garden Tools for Pros and Beginners

    The 12 essential gardening tools you cannot do without if you intend to start a successful garden. Having these tools in your shed is…

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  • A hanging ceramic pot with a healthy light green succulent

    15 Small Plants For Hanging Baskets

    Walk through a garden center and you’ll find all kinds of hanging baskets.Below is a collection of small plants, and how they can grow…

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  • A succulent arrangement in a pot or container

    Get Inspired to Create a Next Level Succulent Arrangement

    Succulent arrangements are long lasting creations that can be enjoyed indoors or out. This DIY video from Garden Answer will show you just how…

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  • A sedum flower in its fall colours

    Learn How To Grow Sedum Plants

    These easy-care, low-water plants are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but some members are native to South America and Africa.

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  • Top Five Houseplant starters

    Some of you may already have a houseplant or two, which is wonderful. If you are starting from scratch, below are some great houseplants…

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  • a porch in a lush surrounding with 3 patio plants in large containers.

    Best Plants For Container Gardening

    In this article, we will discuss a dozen of the top picks for creating a container garden that delivers a powerful visual impact.

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  • 17 Best Bathroom Plants, How to Choose and Use

    Houseplants improve the air quality in your home by cleaning the toxins from the air. While it’s advisable to have houseplants in every room,…

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  • On Self Watering – Sub Irrigation Planters.

    Self-watering planters or Sub-Irrigation planters (SIP) are the perfect choices for anyone wanting to take up container gardening. However, self-watering pots are ideally suited…

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  • a collage of many dozens of houseplants

    35 of the Best Houseplants For Your Home!

    NASA recommends adding houseplants to your home environment to help clean the air and overall improve indoor air quality. Common sense will tell you…

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  • How To Grow and Care For Bougainvillea

    So let’s try and give a general overview of growing Bougainvillea, its care, blooming, light, water, soil, origin and more…

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