Flower garden

  • White trillium plants with blooming flowers

    White Trillium, an Official Emblem.

    The white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum), also known as the wake-robin and the white lily, was officially adopted as Ontario’s floral emblem in 1937.  These…

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  • Monarch butterfly on a coneflower echinacea

    Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden

    Echinacea is an excellent flower to grow in a garden because its brilliant colours stand out against the green surroundings. They make an eye-catching…

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  • a patch of bellwort flowers as groundcover


    Bellwort is an excellent early-blooming native shade plant for the woodland garden, shaded border, wildflower garden, or naturalized area. It spreads slowly by rhizomes,…

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  • The bright yellow flower of the Silphium terebinthinaceum

    Prairie Dock

    Magnificent Silphium genus, it displays its bright yellow flowers on tall stems in late summer. Grows easily from seed, and is at home on…

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  • One herb plant growing through dark and healthy soil

    All Seasons Gardening Tips

    All season gardening provides many benefits. By incorporating the right type of gardening into your routine, you can save money on your grocery bill…

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